Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Analysis Of The Book New Atlantis - 1877 Words

New Atlantis is the story of a navigator and his crew aiming to go to China, but an unprecedented blast of winds redirects their course. As they are blown off course, they soon come across an island that has never been charted on their maps before. The island is known as Bensalem. As they arrive close to the port, they received a scroll written in Hebrew, Greek, Latin, and Spanish. The scroll had told them that they had only sixteen days to stay on the port. The crew could also receive some supplies from the island as well. First, the man asks if the people on the ship are Christian. The crew says yes, and then the man asks about the sick people on the ship. The captain says there are a quite a bunch of sick people on the ship. The health advisor seemed to immediately know it was scurvy, since soon he brought an orange- scarlet type of fruit to the crew for them to eat. This insinuates that the people on this island are more advanced in the medical field, which means that they have m ade more scientific progress than the other nations of the time. Thereafter, the crew makes an oath to not disturb the peace of the island, meaning they wont steal or attack anyone or anything. As soon as they settle that, six people from the crew including the captain are given permission to go into the mainland. Of course, the sick stay on the ship in order to get better. The men are told that they are to go into a place called the Stranger’s house. When they arrive, they are told to stayShow MoreRelatedA Chooser Option Or A Straddle : Valuation And Efficiency Analysis1423 Words   |  6 PagesA Chooser Option or a Straddle: Valuation and Efficiency Analysis Introduction The necessity in new efficient financial instruments has risen dramatically for the last two decades, due to a sharp increase in the complexity of financial markets and the uncertainty to which the market participants face. Derivatives play an important role in the world’s economy nowadays, allowing various investment and hedging opportunities. The proper use of financial derivatives such as options increases the potentialRead MoreBeowulf As An Epic Hero Essay1545 Words   |  7 PagesThe Flash. It is acceptable to list Beowulf with these heroes due to all of his heroic efforts defeating various monsters and enemies and the fact that he has a DC Comic made about him. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

E-Business, Opportunities And Threats Free Essays

The most way of payment In the Internet Is by paying through credit card. The business website could be hacked by cyber-hacker and he could steal the credit card numbers of the customers of the business. How to solve the problem? The company should make sure that their system is protected and safe from any viruses, so the company must install anti-virus software and do regular update for it to ensure that their system is safe well. We will write a custom essay sample on E-Business, Opportunities And Threats or any similar topic only for you Order Now Also the company should always make a back-up for Its data and never switch off the firewall. Communication with customers Sometimes, while employee of the company talks with customer through the email, the customer might have in his/her computer a virus and this virus sent itself to the computer of the company and affected it. How to solve the problem? The company should save its data by backing-up It at safe devices. Also It should Install antl-vlrus software the will scan every downloaded file before the employee open It. The company must Inform Its employees about email attachments from customers or unknown emails and how danger they could be to the company computers. Promote Products Some companies promote their products through sending it to customers by email, and this way of promoting Is affect to reputation of the company as It Is annoying or It considered as not acceptable. How to solve the problem? If the company wants to promote its product through sending it to customer by email, it should do it at good way like reducing number of Images, never attach weird files or large size files, and the subject of the email should be simple and understandable. Provide Information Some companies do not have the security In their websites, so It could be hacked by yber-hacker and he might change or delete the information that will make the company at hard situation. How to solve the problem? The company should back-up its data, enhance its system to be strong secure, and make regular scan for the system. Also the firewall must always switched on and having updated an anti-virus software. Operational Implication trends Natlonal Ba KOT Banraln Is respond to E-Buslness ana nas develope a nls servlces because of several competitive forces. Expectations and product fulfillment Because of modern technology, NBB is providing its services through E-Business to uit and cover the expectation of their customers’ such as checking the balance, transfer funds, payments and to fulfill their desire and demand. Customer expectation Because of high customers’ expectation at this time, NBB developed its website to make it very quick to load that have the ability to contain and serve lots of customers. Information of the service that NBB offer are available, also NBB website has zero of annoying pop-ups and there is space to customers to leave feedback to enhance the services. Increased competition Because of the increasing of competition that BBK offers set of services at its website, NBB is always tried to recruit the finest, creative, and talented people that will enhance the process of NBB services and this will raise the competition. Also NBB is offering new loans plan from time to time and offer many type of debit and credit cards. New providers NBB try to not give the opportunity to other new banks for being best than NBB, NBB develops its website to make it much easier and easier and simple to use like provide answers of frequently asked questions â€Å"FAQs†. Also it is offer transfer funds, credit card and loan payment can be made through the website as well. Also NBB has one of the biggest network â€Å"ATM† services around Bahrain. Strategic implications of trends on organizations Competitive pressures Because of BBK competitive activities that allow its customers to check their inquire about their balance, transfer amounts; check online statement NBB is compete to make its services better in different aspects such as hiring qualified, who are reliable, organized to enhance the process, have problem solving skills and deep knowledge n E-Business. And offer their services with affordable prices. Relocations, takeovers, closures and mergers NBB has ATM card which let the customer with draw money from other ATM that belong to other banks in a competitive prices. Refocusing business Through NBB website, a lot of people know about NBB and its service. ADVANTI Operational implication trends Expectations and product fulfillment Because of modern technology, Advanti is providing its services through E-Business to suit and cover the expectation of their customers’ and to fulfill their desire and demand. Customer expectation Because of customers expectation that they expect they will find there requires at Advantl weDslte. Advantl Improved Its weDslte to De slmple ana easy to use. I ne website domain name is simple and easy to remember. Also Advanti provide pictures, description of its products and provide detail of the prices, policy and condition. The text format ; colors is comfortable to be seen. Increased competition Because of competitor’s activities like ALWASAT Computers that provide many types of delivery services , Advanti now ship its product to GCC countries. Advanti provide ervice of deliver the products â€Å"door to door† and offer discount on some products from time to time. It is also offers gift cards. New providers Because of quick and remarkable presence of AL-Wasat Computers that offers many number of brands, Advanti offers the most unique computer accessories and at affordable prices. It is also known of its faster shipping and its guarantee that the product will arrived safety. Advanti encourage its customers’, its offer coupon to the customer that buys from Advanti through online. Because of the competitive pressure that A1-Wasat Computers try its best to attract ustomer base. Advanti goals is to satisfy the customer as much as possible and compete to make its services better in different aspects such as hiring qualified, who are reliable, organized to enhance the process, have problem solving skills and deep knowledge in E-Business. And offer their services with affordable prices. Relocations, takeovers, closures and mergers Advanti is co-corporate with FedEx through shipping the products to customers. Refocusing business Through Advanti website, Advanti have a big customer base a lot of people know about Advanti and its products. How to cite E-Business, Opportunities And Threats, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Ethics IssuesDepartment of social work Essay Example For Students

Ethics IssuesDepartment of social work Essay Master of Social Work- Year 2 Ethics Assignment Matriculation Number: Exam Number: Submission Date: 12th of December No of Words: 2713 All names have been made anonymous to protect the identity of individuals. Scenario David aged 11 was in residential care along with his 7 siblings. He had a severe history of abuse (sexual, physical and emotional) from a female relative. His stay in this residential setting was one of assessment no work at this stage was being carried out to address these issues. This child was restrained whilst shouting at his brother. This had been an extremely distressing day as three of his younger siblings had been placed with foster carers and these two boys were unsure where they would be going. They had quite a volatile relationship and it had been agreed by all staff that there would be a cool-off time enforced, to calm the children. On this occasion an argument occurred between my colleague and the young person, who we will call David. Unfortunately my colleague did not wait until she has changeover to be informed of the days events and immersed herself in this situation. In residential care the C.A. L.M (Crisis Aggression Limitation Management.) technique is used to support agencies in the management of aggressive and challenging behaviour. This is a very successful and highly regarded model of treatment and is accredited and registered.1 On this occasion my colleague did not have this level of training and used holding techniques, which were unsuitable for residential work. The restraint did not follow the C. A.L.M. physical restraint model. It also lasted for over an hour, which resulted in injury to staff. There was also no trained member of staff on shift and no one that was willing to assist in physical holding. At the beginning of this project, it was made clear who had the adequate training for restraints and those that did not. We were strongly advised not to intervene unless there was no alternative and/or immediate harm would have been caused to a young person or those around them. David became very emotional and his anxiety level increased as he thrashed around and screamed for the member of staff to get off him. He was heard shouting; this is what bad people did to me Even at this stage the restraint did not stop and was clearly upsetting him. I believe the upset was directly related to the holding measures as they were not appropriate or safe holds. Ethical Issues problems The ethical issues around in this scenario include the individual rights of David who should have been given the same rights as he would have at home, also the responsibility that my colleague had to adhere to agency policy and procedures. Ethical Issues around inequality i.e. the power balance between service provider and service user were huge and particularly threatening for David as most of the staff were woman with whom he had a tenuous relationship. In this case; mainly agency personnel staffed the unit. This in itself can have its own drawbacks. Having researched the recruitment practices for this particular agency for the purpose of this essay, and indeed having been recruited by them myself; the level of qualifications and skills required is high. However, on entering a residential unit it is rare that a member of staff will ask you if you are C.A.L.M trained. Ethically, some people due, to their own value base, will not restrain, as they believe it to be damaging to a child. A recurring problem for the social work department will be the staff shortages within the department requiring bank and agency staff to fill the gaps Even when staff have been trained, the training course for C. .uc40fa883dd12bf4444a69f61e0cedb93 , .uc40fa883dd12bf4444a69f61e0cedb93 .postImageUrl , .uc40fa883dd12bf4444a69f61e0cedb93 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uc40fa883dd12bf4444a69f61e0cedb93 , .uc40fa883dd12bf4444a69f61e0cedb93:hover , .uc40fa883dd12bf4444a69f61e0cedb93:visited , .uc40fa883dd12bf4444a69f61e0cedb93:active { border:0!important; } .uc40fa883dd12bf4444a69f61e0cedb93 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uc40fa883dd12bf4444a69f61e0cedb93 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uc40fa883dd12bf4444a69f61e0cedb93:active , .uc40fa883dd12bf4444a69f61e0cedb93:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uc40fa883dd12bf4444a69f61e0cedb93 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uc40fa883dd12bf4444a69f61e0cedb93 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uc40fa883dd12bf4444a69f61e0cedb93 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uc40fa883dd12bf4444a69f61e0cedb93 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uc40fa883dd12bf4444a69f61e0cedb93:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uc40fa883dd12bf4444a69f61e0cedb93 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uc40fa883dd12bf4444a69f61e0cedb93 .uc40fa883dd12bf4444a69f61e0cedb93-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uc40fa883dd12bf4444a69f61e0cedb93:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Essay on Wounded topicA.L.M is not considered an essential skill to have for the job within residential work with young people. Children Scotland Act 1995 The Children (Scotland) Act 1995, incorporates provisions from the UN convention on the Rights of the child and also takes account of obligations under the European Convention on human Rights. The Children Scotland Act states that each child has the right to: be treated as an individual. Form and express views on matters affecting him or her; and .

Saturday, November 30, 2019

SMP Iceberg Vodka

Introduction The basis of this report is to analyze the general marketing strategy of the business organization. The report also outlines the fundamental steps for the application of strategic marketing. The external and internal threats are also analysed.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on SMP Iceberg Vodka specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More A comprehensive analysis of the basic market factors is important. This report acknowledges this significance and analyses various market factors that have influence on market performance. An examination of the historical background and the general corporate strategy for the corporation is important. It is eminent that the various strategic marketing principles are appropriate. Particularly, this is applicable in the design and implementation of strategic marketing plans. The potential challenges require an adequate analysis (Fernando 2010, P. 14). Ideally, it is part of the nee ds assessment. Needs assessment is pertinent in the development of a successful marketing approach. The development of a possible marketing mix is important. The report includes the analysis and proposal for the most applicable â€Å"4 P’s† of marketing. Other limiting and promoting factors require a proper analysis. These might include the consideration of legal and ethical issues that have the capacity to manipulate the general business performance. Any comprehensive strategic marketing plan must present the basic expected benefits. The analysis of these expected benefits must be eminent, considering the disparities between different strategies applicable in marketing. Perhaps, it is vital to note the historical background of this business organization. The company achieved a state of incorporation by 1994. The corporation has a remarkable and explicit record of accomplishment of performance (Foley 2007, P. 29). Principally, this is notable from 1995 during the launc h of their internationally acclaimed iceberg vodka. The initiative seems sustainable relative to other potential competitors. This is evident within the international and domestic contexts.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Generally, the utilization of the domestically grown corn in Ontario increases the easy availability of crucial raw materials. The business organization has steadily risen in the competitive bracket within the global market. The company continues to excel amidst the increased competition (Joseph 2010). There are other several and diverse limiting factors that face the company. The increased level of technology, transformations in the media industry and globalization impacts are eminent. Individuals and other relevant consumers of the product have also changed their tastes and preferences. The companies have to adopt strategic marketing plans in order to be more competitive and establish powerful brands. In this context, there is an urgent need to identify the various market segments. Apart from this, comprehensive analysis of the important and other influencing market elements is critical. The Statement of Fit with Corporate Strategy An appropriate corporate strategy is important for effective performance. Business organizations must appreciate the need to adopt and practice efficient organizational policies. This is vital in the present competitive global and domestic markets. Marketing is an activity or process that involves diverse initiatives aimed at improving the level of sales (Johnson, Scholes Whittington 2010, P. 10). It may involve he creation, communication, dispensing and even the exchange of certain offerings. These offerings must have specific values. Particularly, the values must be important to the various customers, the general clientele as well as other important parties within particular societies. The processes i nvolve both the science and art. Therefore, it must follow a specific channel, procedure or strategy. This explains the significance of development of a significant marketing strategy plan.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on SMP Iceberg Vodka specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The term strategy may mean or relate to the method in which any business entity or organization performs its basic processes. For instance, it may refer to how these organizations have the capacity to determine and fill an existent gap. Such gaps must be appropriate in the utilization of a specific opportunity. A strategy also helps to mitigate eminent risks notable within the external and internal business environment (Dransfield 2001, P. 34). It is important to note that the efficiency of any strategy depends on diverse factors. For instance, it may relate to how sufficient a given organization has the potential to unearth its resource limit ations. Canadian ICEBERG VODKA Corporation must adopt a corporate strategy that is capable of enhancing its level of competitiveness. A critical analysis of the Canadian ICEBERG VODKA Corporation’s strategy indicates considerable lessons (Joseph 2010). Evidently, various loopholes and benefits emanate from the corporate strategy. The historical analysis of the corporation indicates its persistent dedication to efficiency and novelty. Particularly, its venture into the field of iceberg production caused a remarkable market stir. This effect was eminent within the general global marketplace. There is an eminent effective utilization of the locally available raw materials. The most appropriate corporate strategy for this business organization must embody several positive elements. It must be able to address critical concerns relating to the performance of the business. The focus of the corporate strategy must be to focus on the utilization of pertinent resources. These might inc lude raw materials, human resources, and even the financial resources. The fundamental objective of the corporate strategy must remain on the maximization of the potential synergies (Kapferer 2012, p. 44). These must prevail across all business units. Apart from this, the concentration must be to offer a sustainable and competitive advantage. This will help the Canadian ICEBERG VODKA Corporation to remain more competitive. This must be both domestically and within the overseas market.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More An effective corporate strategy positively dictates the general marketing strategy. Ideally, any market strategy must be comprehensive. This relates to the factors important while addressing the competition, clientele needs and sustainability. Adequate application of relevant technology must be eminent. Generally, marketing and advertising initiatives have undergone immense transformations. These are largely due to the high level of technology (Lindgren Bandhold 2003, p. 67). With the emergence of increased social networking, media marketing is set to transform. This explains the need to learn and integrate appropriate technology within all marketing strategies. Canadian ICEBERG VODKA Corporation must be engaging a strategy that is able to survive. In addition, it must remain competitive and thrive vibrantly within extremely competitive business environments. Perhaps, it is more appropriate to apply the Aaker’s basic concepts of a strategy for the Canadian ICEBERG VODKA Corp oration. The strategy must sufficiently identify the product market. This is important because it highlights the basic market territorial where effective competition is necessary. There must be an adequate exposition of the nature and investment level within the corporate strategy (Joseph 2010). Additionally, the strategy must address the functional domains required for the competition of the particular product. These include the issues such as the establishment of product prices and the necessary elements of the positioning mechanism. The necessary assets and required expertise must be availed. In other words, the fit corporate strategy must outline the best methodology for availing these assets and expertise. Proper resource allocation is critical within all business organizations (Lamb, Hair Mcdaniel 2012, p. 51). The general corporate strategy must stress or emphasize on the significance of availing and allocating vital resources. This must be applicable within all the relevant business units. The strategy must focus on the targeted vision, goals and objectives. These must be inevitable for the overall business organization. Moreover, the strategy must also comprehensively define the best approach for achieving these aims. A proper definition of how to attain the underlined goals is appropriate. A sufficient description is necessary. This applies to the means of attaining these goals within the organization. The definition of the period for achieving these outlined objectives is important. External and Internal Situational Analysis Canadian ICEBERG VODKA Corporation faces significant challenges from its external environment. There is an eminent stiff competition from other notable business corporations. The recent initiative of the corporation to venture international market has potential impacts. The global competition threat is evident. Apart from these, the Canadian ICEBERG VODKA Corporation faces the legal restrictions on international ventures (Marke twire 2007). These are evident within other overseas investment destinations. There are unfavourable investment policies within particular global investment destinations. The Canadian ICEBERG VODKA Corporation targets these destinations. These conditions have the capacity to influence the external operations of the business organizations. Consequently, it might lead to the minimization of market coverage. The potential external competitors also have the capacity to reduce the extent of market coverage. However, it is important to indicate that there are other rich and virgin market zones to venture. These include the developing states. The high level of technological application may be a potential threat. Indicatively, this might be eminent, particularly, if the organization fails to utilize the highly transformative technology (Mcdonald 2008, p. 40). Certain unfair taxation policies within international destinations might pose potential challenges. The company may also suffer from huge expenses associated with hiring employees. Evidently, most business organizations compete for the little available pool of human resources. This has led to the increase in hiring and maintenance costs for the personnel. This is a remarkable external factor. It is likely to have a significant weight on the performance of the corporation. There are notable internal factors that require proper analysis and consideration. The Canadian ICEBERG VODKA Corporation might not have the capacity to finance some of its operations (Joseph 2010). The impacts of global economic crunch are notable. This might lead to this internal threat. Ineffective adoption and integration of information technology in marketing may lead to dismal performance. Furthermore, marketing requires adequate resources in order to attain high level of efficiency. Statement of the Problems and Opportunities The Canadian ICEBERG VODKA Corporation deals in alcoholic drinks. There are a considerable negative factors associ ated with the consumption of alcoholic drinks. These beliefs exist within almost all global destinations. These negative perceptions on the consumption of the drinks bear a negative impact on the performance of the company (Kapferer 2012, p. 60). Therefore, the perceptions pose potential challenges in the realization of huge revenues on sales. There are particular segments of the clientele that are likely to face extinction. An example of such segment of clientele includes the youth and school-going children. There is a widespread application of policies that undermine the consumption of these beverages by certain age groups. Most government agencies have become prevalent perpetrators of such detrimental guidelines. It is notable that such policies have the potential to undermine business operations of the corporation within most nations. Indeed, this is a remarkable source of threat for the Canadian ICEBERG VODKA Corporation (Marketwire 2007). There are other notable potential chal lenges. Another challenge may be the presence of other vibrant brands within the marketplace. People have different tastes and preferences. Other people might also prefer different brands or types of alcoholic drinks. This might be due to stereotype, peer pressures and unwarranted convictions. These elements influence the efficiency of business performance. The element of competition remains as a potential threat in the success of any marketing strategy plan (Bose 2002, P. 112). Presently, organizations observe the importance of indulging highly qualified and experienced staff. Strategic marketing requires the engagement of a team of marketing experts. However, there is a notable constriction and limitations within the general labour market. Therefore, the Canadian ICEBERG VODKA Corporation is likely to suffer. This is due to the inadequacy of competent employees concerned with marketing processes. The highly flexible and complicated technological applications pose potential impacts . Observably, these might be either detrimental or beneficial. For instance, the Canadian ICEBERG VODKA Corporation has the capacity to employ appropriate technology during marketing processes. This might considerably transform the level of business operations (Marketwire 2007). Many customers might obtain the crucial information. Consequently, this leads to an expanded market base. The application of social networking technology such as the facebook and twitter among others is highly advantageous. On the other hand, lack of application of this transformative technology might be disadvantageous. This is because the Canadian ICEBERG VODKA Corporation might be redundant. Most competitive business organizations within the global market utilize these technological applications. The Canadian ICEBERG VODKA Corporation may remain non-competitive. The developing nations offer viable market niche for the corporation (Mcdonald 2011, p. 60). Together with the BRIC nations, the Canadian ICEBERG VODKA Corporation has the opportunity to expand its market base. However, strategic product promotion strategies are appropriate. This has the capacity to enhance the level of exploitation of these notable opportunities. Currently, there is an evident high rate of transfer of information amongst most target groups. Indicatively, this is highly attributed to the increase in the level of technological application. There is an observable adequate and easy access of raw materials. These are the raw materials used in the production of iceberg. The sweet corn that is grown in Ontario provides the Canadian ICEBERG VODKA Corporation with a locally available source of processing material (Joseph 2010). Notably, most alcohol processing corporations spend huge resources in the acquisition and exploitation of vital raw material. The corporation enjoys the services of an innovative pool of employees. An analysis of the background of Canadian ICEBERG VODKA Corporation indicates significant lesso ns. For instance, the business organization has persistently applied novelty within its operations. This is evident in 1995 during the launch of its first iceberg. The iceberg brand is unique from other brands prevalent within the general market. This is beneficial because it provides the Canadian ICEBERG VODKA Corporation with a remarkable competitive advantage (Thompson 2001, p. 36). This is relative to other notable brands from different corporations. The trend is observable within the local and overseas market arena. The younger age has increasingly identified with this unique brand. Reportedly, they include some of the heavy consumers of this alcoholic drink. There are projections of a further increase in the rates of consumption of the drink in the future. There is an observable role of increased application of information technology in catapulting this forward pattern. These include some of the important areas that form strategic points of opportunity for the corporation. The Canadian ICEBERG VODKA Corporation might face the challenge of developing a comprehensive organizational culture (Marketwire 2007). Particularly, this applies to the multicultural environment that is appropriate for multinational corporations. This challenge might emanate during the design and communication of different advertising messages. The challenge might be eminent with the need to expand into other international investment destinations. Observably, there are states that regulate and monitor the content of advertising messages. Apart from this, they also have notable restrictions on the basic channels for product advertisement. Therefore, there is a high likelihood of minimization of the extent of product promotion within certain communities. Generally, most statutory authorities believe that restrictive policies on advertisement remain as an effective way of reducing alcohol consumption Mcdonald 2011, p. 66). Such policies usually target the protection of particular segment of the general population. An example is the teenage age group. These include some of the remarkable challenges and opportunities that the Canadian ICEBERG VODKA Corporation might encounter. Marketing Strategy Development Objectives Marketing may refer to the human process or initiative aimed at meeting the demands or wants of various customers. This is attainable through important exchange procedures. The identification of the specific customers is important. Ideally, an effective marketing strategy must endeavour to meet the needs of these groups of persons. In this context, the Canadian ICEBERG VODKA Corporation must be able to identify its target customers (Nijssen Frambach 2000, p. 12). It is critical for any business organization to have the capacity to identify its potential competitors. The strategy applied by the potential competitors in meeting their customer demands must remain identifiable. This is important in the establishment of a counteraction. The organization mus t also assess its inherent skills. The competencies pertinent for the company and the needs gaps require sufficient definition. The Canadian ICEBERG VODKA Corporation must note its various collaborators. There is an eminent importance of initiating effective collaborations with the relevant stakeholders. It is also vital to analyse the context and sustainability of the various strategies. The future impacts and performance standards in the general market require adequate extrapolation (Joseph 2010). Indeed, these outlined operations indicate the huge amount of work and input that is required from the marketing department and professionals. Strategic decisions that may embody marketing strategies are important. This is because they deal with both the present and upcoming operations within the external and internal environments. Therefore, any strategic marketing plan must have considerations for the future as well as the present. There must be a perfect match between the business org anization and its environments. The strategies must assume a retrospective course. In essence, they must avoid the aspect of myopia. The thorough observation of the appropriate marketing mix is crucial. Ideally, the Canadian ICEBERG VODKA Corporation must consider the four P’s of marketing. A marketing strategy deals with an eminent interaction between a set of fundamental factors. These include the clientele, the competitors as well as the company itself. Nonetheless, the environment must also form part of the factors in consideration. The strategies focus on the fundamental ways through which any business organization can distinguish itself appropriately from other competitors (Wallace, 2012). In achieving this aim, the business organization must capitalize on the idiosyncratic competencies to provide the best value for its clientele. The strategy must undergo implementation with certain important considerations. For instance, the managment or marketing department must empl oy the appropriate energy in the execution of these strategies. The considerations must involve critical resources and skills intrinsic within the business organization. According to Porter, this process involves the establishment of the firm in a superior rank within the entire marketplace. The strategy must follow the design that allows for the establishment of remarkable market share. Increasing the level of profitability within the general market is an important aim of any marketing strategy. The Canadian ICEBERG VODKA Corporation seeks to develop a marketing strategy with explicitly outlined objectives (Marketwire 2007). The marketing strategy must have the capacity to address all relevant factors. These must include both external and internal factors. Apart from this, the strategy must analyze the competitive and other market segment factors. Provision of the optional strategic approaches is critical. The Canadian ICEBERG VODKA Corporation must operate in compliance to its fit corporate strategy. The Canadian ICEBERG VODKA Corporation has to address the potential needs of its clientele. Furthermore, the strategy must focus on the development of an appropriate resource allocation plan. This is important in attaining the strategic marketing goals. The business corporation must adopt the marketing mix that indicates the real figures within the entire market. The strategic marketing plan has to have a transformative and distinct viral campaign messages. The application of appropriate graphics and artwork in the viral campaign messages must be eminent. This must target different age groups or target audiences within the general marketplace. The design of the strategy must involve the application of appropriate technology (Wallace, 2012,). The internet technology is applicable in the dispersion of viral messages. Ideally, this might involve the use of emailing techniques. The main product in focus must undergo a comprehensive promotion and marketing. Dispersio n of product differentiation messages and other distinct qualities of the iceberg is crucial. Strategic approaches are appropriate for the development of the viral messages. The Canadian ICEBERG VODKA Corporation must recognize the significance of innovation within its market operations. Effective innovation may include the design of alternative methodologies for marketing the iceberg vodka. The advertisement messages must be culturally sensitive within all venture zones. Multi-cultural considerations and awareness create an interactive and encouraging platform for the establishment of a powerful brand. Massive campaigns and awareness creation about the product is necessary. These initiatives must be eminent within all the media sources or channels. Both the print and electronic media channels are applicable in these processes (Wallace, 2012). The viral messages must consider ethical as well as regulatory concerns prevalent within all investment destinations. It is also vital to dev elop a positive attitude towards iceberg vodka. Such an attitude would lead to the development of a positive attitude or intent to buy the product. Segmentation and Target Audience The ICEBERG VODKA Corporation enjoys a considerably wider segment of market audience. The corporation’s market segment is distinct. It is the young population. The specific age bracket is between the eighteen and thirty five years old. The age bracket or market segment has unique characteristics. They have adequate education and are more sociable. This means that they might have access to advertisement information within a relatively short time. They depict an increased tendency in the utilization of internet information. Generally, they are more technophile in nature (Marketwire 2007). The ICEBERG VODKA Corporation has the capacity to extend its operations within other newer market environments. In these initiatives, it is able to expand its market domain and capture other potential market segment s. The identified market segment is composed of transformative young professionals. Both the females and the males constitute this segment. They are typically from almost all the notable socio-economic as well as cultural orientations. They are recognizable within the market as independent and individually crafted personalities. It is important to note the distinctive features of this category or market segment. For example, they have a tendency for belief in the freedom of speech (Richter 2012, p. 34). They also have firm convictions on the concept of justice, fairness and impartiality. It is identifiable that the ICEBERG VODKA Corporation would require a more robust and comprehensive approach in its advertisements. This category of consumers appreciates the significance of living life to its fullest. They also adore leisure, recreation and enjoy the contemporary lifestyle. This means that they frequently identify themselves with recent technological applications. Notably, the grou p adores balancing their lifestyles. They work and have fun with equal measure. Therefore, it is appropriate to note that these people adore distinct goods with unique preference and features. Most business organizations dealing in the production, distribution and promotion of alcoholic drinks presently continue to adapt to this observable trends. The group also depicts the characteristics of trendy bar and home-party drinkers (Marketwire 2007). The social perceptions and peer influence have a significant impact on the level of consumption and preference on certain alcoholic brands. Social visibility and the celebrity tastes also have important influences on their level of consumption of the available alcoholic drinks. There is an observable increased application of mobile phone and other advanced technology within this group. There is a notable capacity of this group to operate effectively within multicultural environments (Tehrani 2008, p. 11). They also have high rates of interna tional travels and can work within diverse destinations. The group has notable characteristic of awareness on most advertisement methods. They only relate and associate with transformative and unique advertisement messages. There is an urgent need for comprehensive market research and analysis. This is applicable within all endeavours to initiate any product promotion initiative. The ICEBERG VODKA Corporation must not integrate rude or confronting advertisement information (Joseph 2010). This is because the main market segment prefers and enjoys unique advertisements. These product promotion initiatives must embody humour, entertainment and intellectual stimulation. The communication methodologies are increasingly transforming in the present world. Indeed, the impacts of globalization influence the lives of this target group (Watkins 2009, p. 70). The marketing initiatives must consider the engagement of strategic communication and feedback mechanism. It is crucial to note the impor tance of including customer care messages within any advertisement content. This market audience is associates with high level of customer service and quality products. Tactical Marketing Strategy A properly designed marketing strategy ensures the success of a particular brand. The focus of the ICEBERG VODKA Corporation must be to integrate a comprehensive marketing mix. There should be a focus on approaching the target market segment from diverse orientations (Bowman Gatignon 2010, P. 22). Employment of the required technical and qualified marketing professionals by the corporation is important. It is the first fundamental consideration in ensuring success of any marketing strategy. The second tactic for enhancing success is the application of relevant technology in marketing interventions. Campaigns, use of emails, press releases and face-to-face networking approaches are critical. Social networking sites such as the twitter and facebook are recognizable as important routes for m arketing efficiency. In observing the marketing mix, the corporation must continuously improve its product. The iceberg vodka is an important brand that has significance within the domestic and global domain (Bers 2011, P. 45). The ICEBERG VODKA Corporation must consider an appropriate product design. Issues related to packaging, bottling and appealing physical presentation are important. The sustainability of the product during the stages of market saturation remains considerable. Persistent innovations contribute to a sustained system of product extension. This aspect enhances the process of differentiation of the product. The ICEBERG VODKA Corporation must adopt a competitive pricing mechanism for its products. These prices must not outweigh the expected benefits. Pricing should occur after an analysis of the patterns notable within other external potential competitors (Jansson 2008, P. 98). Generally, fare prices within the market ensure high level of demand. Other consideration s during the establishment of the prices may include economic factors, income levels and taxation policies. The location of the market must is also critical. In order to realize benefits, the ICEBERG VODKA Corporation must venture into newer market zones. Distribution channels enhancing the access of the iceberg vodka within local and global consumer zones are appropriate (Lamb 2012, p. 78). The promotion methodologies are crucial in the establishment of a tactful marketing strategy. Advertising must be transformative. Application of relevant technology is advantageous. Other significant processes may include public relations and personal selling initiatives. Below is a typical presentation of an implementation chart for the marketing mix that ICEBERG VODKA Corporation may utilize: Expected Benefit Thorough implementation of the SMP can enable the corporation to enjoy diverse benefits. The exploration of novel market opportunities increases the likelihood of a higher return on inve stment. The ICEBERG VODKA Corporation is likely to enjoy a higher competitive advantage. This is only possible after a comprehensive utilization of the available resources, market and technological applications. The ICEBERG VODKA Corporation has the potential to enjoy a powerful domain in the general market share. This means that most notable competitors may lack the capacity to affect the performance of the company (Cannon 2006, P. 78). Identification of the market segment or target clientele within the general population is vital. This is because the corporation is able to design competitive promotion initiatives aimed at attracting more of the segment. Novelty and practical innovation makes the ICEBERG VODKA Corporation to establish a powerful brand within the market. Indeed, there are many potential benefits of implementing strategic marketing plan. Ethical and Regulatory Considerations Notably, there are many ethical and legal concerns associated with the production and distrib ution of alcoholic drinks. These are eminent within all global destinations. The ICEBERG VODKA Corporation must take care to comply with the advertisement ethics and regulations associated with alcoholic drinks (Beer 2010, P. 56). There are policies concerning the content of the viral or advertisement messages. These require the practice of total adherence. There are specific age groups or personalities barred from consuming alcoholic drinks within most nations. This is due to the potential danger posed by the alcohol consumption. As provided by various legal agencies, the product promotion or marketing strategies must note these considerations. For instance, advertisement messages should include warning on the danger of excessive consumption of alcohol. Ideally, this is part of social responsibility. The ICEBERG VODKA Corporation must not focus on greater financial gain at the expense of a compromised society. Conclusion and Recommendations Strategic management is applicable within most business organizations. This is also eminent for marketing operations. Corporations continue to redesign their marketing strategies. This is observable in the increasingly flexible global marketplace. It is important to conduct empirical investigations on the best marketing approaches. Organizations with ineffective marketing strategies are bound to fail (Bers 2011, P. 45). This highlights the basic objective of the report. The Canadian ICEBERG VODKA Corporation must consider and implement some of the highlighted recommendations. This is in order to gain a competitive advantage. A strategic marketing plan is critical for the advancement of business performance. List of References Beer, L 2010, A strategic and tactical approach to global business ethics, Business Expert Press, New York, NY. Bers, U 2011, New media and technology, Wiley, Hoboken, N.J. Bose, C 2002, Principles of management and administration, Prentice-Hall of India, New Delhi. Bose, C 2010, Modern marketing: pri nciples and practice, PHI Learning, New Delhi. Bowman, D Gatignon, H 2010, Market response and marketing mix models: trends and research opportunities, now, Boston. Cannon, T 2006, The entrepreneur’s strategy guide: ten keys for achieving marketplace leadership and operational excellence, Praeger, Westport, CT. Dransfield, R 2001, Corporate strategy, Heinemann, Oxford. Fernando, C 2010, Business ethics and corporate governance, Dorling Kindersley, Delhi, India. Foley, R 2007, Vodka 1000: the ultimate collection of vodka cocktails, recipes, facts, and resources, Sourcebooks, Naperville, Ill. Jansson, H 2008, International business strategy in emerging country markets: the institutional network approach, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK. Johnson, G Scholes, K Whittington, R 2010, Exploring corporate strategy, Financial Times Prentice Hall, Harlow, England. Joseph, A 2010, Breaking the ice: Canadian vodka distiller harvests icebergs to make a big splash in the Canadian and export markets, viewed on https://www.canadianpackaging.com/automation/breaking-the-ice-2-19126/ Kapferer, N 2012, The new strategic brand management advanced insights and strategic thinking, Kogan Page, London. Lamb, W 2012, Marketing, Nelson Education, Toronto. Lamb, W Hair, F Mcdaniel, D 2012, Essentials of marketing, South-Western Cengage Learning, Mason, OH. Lindgren, M Bandhold, H 2003, Scenario planning: the link between future and strategy, Palgrave, Basingstoke. Marketwire 2007, Canadian Iceberg Vodka Corporation Launches Largest-Ever National Consumer Promotion to Honour Canadian Troops and Support Military Families. Web. Mcdonald, M 2008, Malcolm McDonald on marketing planning understanding marketing plans and strategy, Kogan Page, London, England. Mcdonald, M 2011, Marketing plans: how to prepare them, how to use them, Wiley, Chichester. Nijssen, J Frambach, T 2000, Creating customer value through strategic marketing planning: a management approach, Kluwer Academic, Boston, MA. Richter, T 2012, International marketing mix management theoretical framework, contingency factors and empirical findings from world-markets, Logos-Verl, Berlin. Tehrani, N 2008, Contemporary marketing mix for the digital era, AuthorHouse, Bloomington. Thompson, L 2001, Understanding corporate strategy, Thomson Learning, London. Wallace, K 2012, On the rocks: Canadian company’s innovative use of a Newfoundland resource is shaking up the international vodka market. Web. Watkins, C 2009, The young and the digital: what the migration to social-network sites, games, and anytime, anywhere media means for our future, Beacon Press, Boston. This report on SMP Iceberg Vodka was written and submitted by user Kailey Decker to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus

The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus was a large and ornate mausoleum built both to honor and hold the remains of Mausolus of Caria. When Mausolus died in 353 BCE, his wife Artemisia ordered the construction of this vast structure in their capital city, Halicarnassus (now called Bodrum) in modern Turkey.  Ã‚  Ultimately, both Mausolus and Artemisia were buried inside. The Mausoleum, considered one of the Seven  Ancient Wonders of the World,  retained its grandeur for nearly 1,800 years, until earthquakes in the 15th century destroyed part of the structure. Eventually, nearly all of the stone was taken away  to be used in nearby building projects,  particularly for  a Crusader castle. Who Was Mausolus? Upon the death of his father in 377 BCE, Mausolus  became the satrap (a  regional governor  in the Persian Empire)  for Caria. Although only a satrap, Mausolus was like a  king in his realm,  ruling for 24 years. Mausolus was descended from the indigenous herdsmen of the area, called Carians, but appreciated Greek culture and society. Thus, Mausolus encouraged  the Carians to  leave  their lives as  herdsmen and embrace the Greek way of life. Mausolus was also  all about expansion. He moved his capital city from Mylasa to the coastal city of Halicarnassus and then worked on a  number of projects to  beautify the city, including building a large palace for himself. Mausolus  was also politically savy and was thus able to add several nearby cities to his  realm. When Mausolus died in 353 BCE, his wife Artemisia, who also happened to be his sister, was grief stricken. She wanted the most beautiful tomb built for her departed husband. Sparing no expense, she hired the very best sculptors and architects  that money could buy. It is unfortunate that Artemisia died just two years after her husband, in 351 BCE, not seeing the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus completed. What Did the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus Look Like? Built from  about 353 to 350 BCE, there were five famous sculptors that worked on the exquisite tomb. Each sculptor had a portion that they were responsible for   Bryaxis (north side), Scopas (east side), Timotheus (south side), and Leochares (west side). The chariot on top was  created by Pythis. The structure of the Mausoleum was made up of three parts: a  square base on the bottom, 36 columns (9 on each side) in the middle, and then topped by a stepped pyramid that had 24 steps. All of this was covered in ornate carvings, with life-size and larger-than-life statues abounding. At the very top was the piece de resistance the chariot. This 25-foot-high marble sculpture consisted of standing  statues of both Mausolus and Artemisia riding in a chariot pulled by four horses. Much of the Mausoleum was made out of marble and the entire structure reached 140 feet high. Although large, the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus was known more for its ornate sculptures and carvings. Most of these were painted in vibrant colors. There were also friezes that wrapped around the entire building. These were extremely detailed and included scenes of battle and hunting, as well as scenes  from Greek mythology that included such mythic animals as centaurs. The Collapse After 1,800 years,  the long-lasting Mausoleum was destroyed by earthquakes that occurred  during the 15th century CE in the region.   During and after that time,  much of the marble was carried away in order to build other buildings, most especially a Crusader fortress held by the Knights of St. John.   Some of the elaborate sculptures were moved into the fortress as decoration. In 1522 CE, the crypt that for so long had safely held the remains of Mausolus and Artemisia was raided. Over time, people forgot exactly where the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus had stood. Houses were built on top. In the 1850s, British archaeologist Charles Newton recognized that some of the decorations at Bodrum Castle, as the Crusader fortress was now called, could have been from the famous Mausoleum. After studying the area and excavating, Newton found the  site of the Mausoleum.  Today, the British Museum in London contains statues and relief slabs from the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus.  Ã‚   Mausoleums Today Interestingly, the modern word mausoleum, which means a building used as a tomb, comes from the name Mausolus, for whom this wonder of the world was named. The tradition of creating mausoleums in cemeteries continues around the world today.  Families and individuals build mausoleums, both large and small,  in their own or others honor following their deaths.   In addition to these more  common mausoleums,  there are other, larger mausoleums that are tourist attractions today.   The worlds most famous mausoleum is the Taj Mahal in India.

Friday, November 22, 2019

How to Use the French Phrase On y Va (Lets Go)

How to Use the French Phrase 'On y Va' ('Let's Go') On y va,  pronounced  o(n) nee va,  is an informal expression, one of the most common in the French language, that means literally  were going (there). But in use, it means:  lets go,  wanna go?,  Ã¢â‚¬â€¹here we go.   The French expression  on y va  is a quick and easy way to: suggest an outingask if others are ready to goannounce that its time to leaveindicate the beginning of some activity Why Use On Notice that  on  takes the place of the first person plural, we, in this expression. But the  on  construction  can also easily be replaced with the first person plural  allons-y  as a statement or question  while retaining the same meaning:   Ils nous attendent.  Allons-y. Theyre waiting for us. Lets go.   Generally speaking  on, pronounced with a nasal ohn is the indefinite pronoun and literally means one. Its often equivalent to the English  passive voice,  as in: On ne dit pas à §a. That isnt said. But on  is also very often an informal replacement for we, you, they, someone, or people in general. And that it how it functions in on y va. Examples of On y Va Son nouveau film va ouvrir demain. On y va  ?   His new movie opens tomorrow. Wanna go? / Are we going?Le taxi est arrivà ©, on y va  ?   The taxi is here, (is everyone) ready to go?Voil, jai fait la vaisselle. On y va  !   There, I did the dishes. Lets go!Il faut choisir une chanson pour notre sketch. On y va.   We need to choose a song for our sketch. Lets do it. / Lets get started. / Here goes.Allez, monte,  on y va. On peut devenir des hà ©ros ce soir. Come on, get in the car, lets  go. We can make heroes of ourselves tonight.Je fais du chili pour la collecte de fond. Je men fous.  on y va. Im making chili for the fundraiser. I dont give a damn.  Lets go.Tout le monde met ses chaussures et on y va.   Everybody, put on your shoes and  lets go.Allez mon grand,  on y va, à ©carte les jambes. Okay, lets do this.  Come on, spread them. Synonyms of On y Va   Est-ce que tu veux y aller  ?   Do you want to go?  Ãƒâ€¡a te dit  ?   Interested?  On peut y aller si tu veux. We can go if you like.Est-ce que tu es prà ªt / vous à ªtes prà ªts ? Are you ready to go?

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Reaction paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 6

Reaction paper - Essay Example That he was a former Jew and an insider makes what he is saying believable. There is no doubt that there are things about the World Wars that we are not aware of. Whether they were dispensable pieces of history or intentionally left out so as not to tarnish the image of the bloodshed in the Holocaust and to make those atrocities take an impact in the minds of people is something worth asking. What is very evident from the introduction of the speech was that it fully takes on an anti-Jewish approach or to say it directly, it is very anti-Semitic. â€Å"Here in the United States, the Zionists and their co-religionists have complete control of our government† (Freedman, n.p.). Benjamin Freedman tells us that what happened are all products of the propaganda of powerful Jewish people but I can’t stop feeling that in some way he has propaganda of his own. Throughout the speech he was very persuasive among Christians to take a second look at the lies Jews proliferated and how they have been kept in the dark all these years. Perhaps it was the best tone to convince people to what he is saying but the generalization of Jews makes it uneasy to take in without a second thought. It is very effective in that even I now begin to reconsider my knowledge of World War II and how it has portrayed Germany and rethink whether it was truly a genocide or just plain casualties of war.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Compare and contrast a christian and jewish woman's expression of Essay

Compare and contrast a christian and jewish woman's expression of spiritual feminism - Essay Example Spirituality presents a rational way to move toward the topic of "feminism and Christianity. In the 1970s, a new event appeared inside the women's association in the United States under the name of "feminist spirituality." This movement came to Europe around 1980. It arose from the imminent that the beginning of women’s estrangement goes deeper than the divergence of sex-roles between man and woman. Its ancestry lies in the dualism between spirit and body which characterizes patriarchate itself. In the following ten to fifteen years many other new phenomena appeared which can be treated under the heading of feminist spirituality. In the first place, such spirituality has to to be one of freedom. The theological basis lies in the courage to be, which means the courage to choose life. "Life and death I give you, blessing and curse. Choose life," says the bible. Liberation spirituality starts off perturbed with and in upheaval against all structures in society and church based on man-woman relations and the resultant limitations these place on women's autonomy. as a society, women can fulfill an intercessory purpose, moving in the field of the Spirit who sets us free from all peripheral restraints. Living in the Spirit of Christ encourages us not to allow ourselves to be incarcerated any more. Liberation spirituality is therefore also a revolutionary spirituality which can be productive only if it fuses together elements of the journey to Tabor, the Transfiguration, and the return journey to the Jerusalem of death and resurrection. For liberation is finally a way to freedom: freedom to love, to celebrate ordinary life, to become open to the Mystery of our existence which we call God. There we find liberty to live carefully and to listen, which is the basis for the liberation effort. Establishing a connection between Latin-American liberation theology and feminist liberation spirituality, it strikes as important that Gustavo Gutierrez places special importance on the knowledge of God's grace. For him, "Communion with God and with all people is first and foremost a gift." Jewish: IN THE PAST TWENTY YEARS there has been a sometimes quiet, sometimes loud, but mostly unremarked rebellion in North American Jewish spirituality, based on feminism. New prayers, rituals, and speech to address theology are some of the more clear changes. Equally important are new forms of spiritual leadership, changes in mutual authority, and even telling details such as services held in circles rather than hierarchically planned arrangements. The expansion of modern Jewish feminist spirituality has rested on three approaches to ritual. The first is reinterpretation: a reconsideration of recognized sources from feminist positions. On a philosophical level, Jewish feminists have found areas of important convergence between Judaism and feminism. The most significant of these is a fundamental discrimination and valuing of interrelationship. Just as the essential feminist imminent that "the personal is political" emphasizes the associations among all those aspects of acquaintance to Jewish theology. Both perspectives imitate a wish to observe the amazing present in the mundane and to be aware of the daily choices involved in our lives, which constantly create and re-create the larger world. Finally, the link between individual liberation and social change couched in the thoughtful that "the personal is political" has been a characteristic of Jewish thought since biblical times. As compared to models of spirituality that highli ght indifference or otherworldliness, Jewish spirituality is entrenched in the interrelationship among study (in the better sense of learning and teaching), prayer (including manifestation common visions and public festivity), and social work for justice. In contrast to other spiritual ethnicity, such as Christianity or Buddhism, Judaism has no historical models of a women's spiritual society. Separatist Jewish feminism has busted momentous new

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Subculture - Geekdom Essay Example for Free

Subculture Geekdom Essay Today’s society evidently shows that â€Å"geekdom† still exists at large in our culture. Based on how the word â€Å"geek† is being used to describe a particular person, it obviously has a positive implication. What was once considered as something that is less than normal by the society has become a means to boost someone’s morale. How does one distinguish a true geek from someone who is just pretending to be one? The former acts and does things in a normal manner simply because that is the kind of person he is. On the other hand, the latter, since he is just trying to pretend that he fits the description, does things in such a way wherein his true self is manifested and not what he is pretending to be. 2. Fandom I could say, â€Å"Yes, I am a huge fan of something†. Like many people, I have my reasons for being one. My liking for this particular thing does not mean, however, that I would be willing to give up other things for its sake. Although the feeling of satisfaction is there, it does not reach the point wherein the admiration turns into obsession. Some people base the manner of achieving success on how those whom they admire were able to achieve it. I, personally, do not let the very thing that I admire or truly like to become the reason for my frustration in life. I see to it that it will serve as an inspiration to me in seeking or achieving my goals. 3. Metal Metal does not necessarily imply masculinity. Both male and female artists engage in this type of music. In my opinion, it is just an expression of the feelings of an artist. Metal is neither shocking nor horrifying, but rather it is as form of art. It reflects the personality of the artist or what he is trying to portray or what he wants the audience to know about himself or his music. Metal, I believe is being given an unpleasant image by those who do not accept or appreciate it. It does not deliberately attempt to scare those who already have a bad impression on it, but rather it is trying to add some spice in the world of music. 4. Emo Although the word â€Å"emo† is used to be popularly known in the music world, its meaning underwent a transformation – just like a prehistoric organism whose exact origin is unknown, evolved into a more complicated species. The young generation needs to have a sense of belongingness. They want to be appreciated by their chosen crowd. I believe, that the present-day â€Å"emo† is today’s generation’s a means of reinventing yesterday’s fads and crazes. The principle being used here may be compared to the principle used when we are recycling materials in order to create new useful things. The original substance still exists even though the form of the object has been changed. It is the same thing with â€Å"emo†; the essence is preserved but with a different implication. 5. Hello Kitty. There is a child in each and every one of us. Every one of us wants to feel carefree every once in a while. The â€Å"Hello Kitty† in the photo suggests child-likeness and light-heartedness of a person living in a worriless environment. The photo of a young woman – obviously a mother – depicts a pleasant atmosphere. Her Hello Kitty collection indicates that she is the type of person who makes time for herself despite her hectic schedule, her duties and her responsibilities to her family, particularly to her child. It is a wonderful feeling to be young at heart. It takes someone away from the chaos of the world and the problems that are brought about by various elements which compose a particular society. A grown-up does not have to feel old. A mature person understands and knows how to find time for himself without neglecting his obligations to the people surrounding him. A wise person who has learned quite a lot from experiences is aware that being carefree is not at all synonymous to being irresponsible. Lai, Adrienne. Towards critical understanding of Asian cute culture. 149-151.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Positive Effects of Conservation Tillage Essay -- Agriculture Farming

Positive Effects of Conservation Tillage For centuries farmers have used plowing as a tool for weed control, and in some cases to promote plant growth. At first man had used animals to pull plows and other equipment, with the invention of the tractor work that would normally be done with animals could be done more easily and quickly. Although plowing has been a common and widely used tool for managing weed control, there are many negative impacts associated with this method. Conservation tillage is a method where some of crop residues, if not all of crop residues, are left on the surface of the soil. Conservation tillage methods have become popular in many areas around the world, and while many of the effects of conservation tillage are still under research, many farmers have found that it helps to not only protect the health of their fields, but also that it saves both time and money. Research shows that conservation tillage has many beneficial effects such as the reduction of soil compaction, increases in biodiversity, higher crop yields, decreases in erosion, reductions in fuel requirements and other capital inputs for machinery, and up to a seventy percent reduction of preharvest labor. Researchers are not the only ones that are noticing that conservation tillage has a promising future which combines low labor requirements with low erosion rates (Giere, 2002). In America, eighteen percent of crop fields are managed using conservation tillage methods, and in Paraguay ninety percent of fields are managed with conservation tillage methods (Karasov, 2002). Though the percent of conservation tillage in the United States may not be as high as other areas in the world, it is projected that nearly eighty ... ...2004, October). To Plow or Not To Plow: Balancing Slug Populations with Environmental Concerns and Soil Health. Agricultural Research, 16- 17. Durham, S. (2003, March). Drought Survival with Conservation Tillage. Agricultural Research, 22. Giere, J.P., Johnson, K.M., & Perkins, J.H. (1980). A Closer Look at No-Till Farming. Environment, 22(6), 15-20, 37-40 Karasov, C. (2002, February). Spare the Plow, Save the Soil. Environmental Health Perspectives, 22(2), A75 Machado, A.F.L., Jakelaitis, A., Ferrriera, et al.(2005). Population Dynamics of Weeds in No-Tillage and Conventional Crop Systems. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, B40, 119-128. Runion, S.B., Prior, S.A., Reeves, D.W., et al.(2004). Microbial Responses to Wheel Traffic in Conventional and No-Tillage Systems. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 35, 2891-2903.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Beauty Therapy Essay

Salon Reception Duties – Produce A Guide Recording Appointments And Messages Accurately It’s important to record appointments accurately so that the therapists know what clients they have at what time. If you fail to record an appointment accurately then you could cause a real problem when a client comes into the salon to find out there not on the therapists schedules which could of been avoided by doing the job properly. You could also lose clients by not paying enough attention and giving them the wrong times and days as they won’t think your salon is reliable. You also need to make sure all the therapists get a lunch break between clients and also time to set their equipment up, you don’t want to book clients to close to each other, otherwise the client may feel as if the therapist is rushing them and won’t be satisfied with their overall experience. It’s important to record messages accurately when working in a salon so that the therapist s no if anyone would like them to ring them back or if they have a query. Also, you may not be certain on what a client wants so say you’ll take a message, when doing so you need to make sure you take their full name and contact number and whatever the message is their giving. You should also get them to repeat their name and number to make sure the information you have is correct otherwise when you or a therapist is calling back you may not be able to get through to them, again losing a client. If the message is urgent and they need to be contacted ASAP you need to make sure it’s clear that is it and put it in a separate place to the non urgent messages. Dealing With Client Enquiries Promptly And Politely Whether it’s an internal or external enquiry you should always try to answer it with little or no delay and you need to be polite, it might not just be a client who’s calling or that has come into the salon, it could be someone who is just buying your products and you should see to them in a punctual manner. By doing this they ’ll want to come back, if you show no interest in what there enquiring you’ll lose custom and reputation. It could even be someone who supplies your products ringing for your salon to stock up, if you’re ever unsure of what someone is enquiring and how to answer you would need to refer the enquiry to another member of staff or the manager. Other internal people who may enquire you include of current clients or a member of staff, other external people include of new clients, suppliers of products you don’t have or even people wanting to market your salon. Dealing With Confidential Client Information Under The Data Protection Act If you handle personal information about individuals, for example, a consultation form, you have a number of legal obligations to protect that information under the data protection act. It gives rights for any client to have a copy of their personal data and to block, erase or destroy anything that is incorrect about them. It’s important to keep all confidential information in a locked file away for their personal comfort and to prevent unauth orised access, alteration or accidental loss. You should never talk about any ones personal information people outside the salon or in front of other clients in the salon.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Potato Osmosis Lab Report

Abstract:In this experiment was designed to study the effect of a concentrated solution applied to white and sweet potatoes. The solution’s impact among the potatoes were to be either hypertonic, hypotonic, or isotonic. The potatoes were first cut into fries with a fry cutter, and then weighed after being cut. The white and sweet potatoes’ weights ranged from .005-.015 grams.A total of 18 sugar solutions are to be made over the course of 3 trials. In each trial, 6 different types of solutions are to be made. (0% sugar, 10% sugar, 20% sugar, 30% sugar, 40% sugar, and 50% sugar). For each trial, in 6 plastic cups, pour 100mL of water, combine the sugar that in which corresponds to the percentage of sugar, and place one â€Å"potato fry† in each cup. In the first and second trials, use the sweet potatoes. In the third trial, use the white potatoes. LABELTHE CUPS ACCORDING TO THE MIXED SOLUTION! Leave the potatoes to sit for a 24-hour period.Introduction: Osmosis is the spontaneous net movement of solvent molecules through a partially permeable membrane into a region of higher solute concentration in the presence of water. An isotonic solution is one in which the concentration of solutes is the same inside the cell as outside the cell (STAYS THE SAME). A hypotonic solution will have a lower concentration of solutes than the cell (SWELLS).A hypertonic solution will have a higher concentration of solutes than the cell and will have a higher osmotic pressure outside the cell than inside the cell. (SHRINKS) The objective of this experiment was to study the effects of one concentrated solution (with different percentages of solute) on white and sweet potatoes. If a .015 white potato is placed in solution with 50% sugar, then it will shrink! (Hypotonic)Materials: †¢Sugar †¢Water †¢Potato Fry Cutter †¢Plastic Cups †¢Black Permanent Marker †¢Graduated Cylinder †¢1 Sweet Potato †¢1 White PotatoProcedures:1.Accumul ate 1 white and 1 sweet potato. 2.Cut potatoes into fries with a fry cutter and weigh 12 white potato fries and 6 sweet potato fries. 3.For each trial, in 6 plastic cups, pour 100mL of water, combine the sugar that in which corresponds to the percentage of sugar. LABEL THE CUPS! 4.Place one potato fry in each cup. 5.In the first and second trials, use the sweet potatoes. In the third trial, use the white potatoes. 6.Leave the potato fries to sit for 24-hours.Controls: The controls include the time, temperature, and 100mL of each water, ETC. Independent Variables: The independent variables include the solutions tested, ETC. Dependent Variables: The potatoes’ ability to swell, shrink or stay the same, ETC.Conclusion: Through experimentation, â€Å"If a .015 white potato is placed in solution with 50% sugar, then it will shrink† hypothesis was accurately proved. To further better this experiment, I would extend the time over a course of 2 hours and would test the experime nt outside on the sun.Questions: What causes sugar to shrink and swell things? Why did some potatoes swell and others didn’t that had the same weight and percentage of sugar?

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Free Essays on Conscience or the Competitive Edge

The article â€Å"Conscience or the Competitive Edge† raises issues in the business world and how ethics influence many people’s decisions. An example would be the scenario of Olivia Jones, a highly respected business negotiator, who was known for her bargaining power which has helped keep the products for the company at a relatively low cost. In this article, Olivia Jones encountered an experience which will forever change the way she conducted herself at her career. She decided that she wanted to visit one of the factories in the city of Bombay, India where the products she was purchasing were being produced. There she witnessed the poor working conditions of the factory workers as they were cramped in a room that was only five feet high and no more than 20ft by 40ft. She also learned that these men worked 12 hour rotations for 6 months out of the year, spending the other 6 months back in the countryside with there family where they would spend the money the earned to farm the land. Startled by what she witnessed she was faced with the decision to either act on her conscience or to do nothing at all when making future business decisions. She seems obligated to perform some action which would benefit the conditions in the factories where her products are produced. But should she do anything at all? Will her decision to act on her social conscience influence her career? Ethics play a major role in most business making decisions but in some cases they cannot in order to safeguard someone’s career. This is the case for Olivia Jones as her conscience is overcoming her competitive edge. She is assuming that the factory workers are upset with their job and the conditions they work in, but she does not concretely know this for a fact. It could very well be that the factory workers are just happy to be making any money at all. If she chooses to go with her conscience over her competitive edge she has to be aware of the cons... Free Essays on Conscience or the Competitive Edge Free Essays on Conscience or the Competitive Edge The article â€Å"Conscience or the Competitive Edge† raises issues in the business world and how ethics influence many people’s decisions. An example would be the scenario of Olivia Jones, a highly respected business negotiator, who was known for her bargaining power which has helped keep the products for the company at a relatively low cost. In this article, Olivia Jones encountered an experience which will forever change the way she conducted herself at her career. She decided that she wanted to visit one of the factories in the city of Bombay, India where the products she was purchasing were being produced. There she witnessed the poor working conditions of the factory workers as they were cramped in a room that was only five feet high and no more than 20ft by 40ft. She also learned that these men worked 12 hour rotations for 6 months out of the year, spending the other 6 months back in the countryside with there family where they would spend the money the earned to farm the land. Startled by what she witnessed she was faced with the decision to either act on her conscience or to do nothing at all when making future business decisions. She seems obligated to perform some action which would benefit the conditions in the factories where her products are produced. But should she do anything at all? Will her decision to act on her social conscience influence her career? Ethics play a major role in most business making decisions but in some cases they cannot in order to safeguard someone’s career. This is the case for Olivia Jones as her conscience is overcoming her competitive edge. She is assuming that the factory workers are upset with their job and the conditions they work in, but she does not concretely know this for a fact. It could very well be that the factory workers are just happy to be making any money at all. If she chooses to go with her conscience over her competitive edge she has to be aware of the cons...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Be true to thyself

Be true to thyself Essay â€Å"I was looking for myself and asking everyone except myself questions which I, and only I, could answer.†-The Invisible ManBe True to ThyselfMany people travel through life on a constant search on who there are and how they fit into this world. Some maneuver through situations and issues that they are faced with never being true to themselves, but more so modeling the behaviors of others. It is not until one defines their self-image, obtain a healthy amount of self-esteem, and confidence can they execute decisions concerning their lives. Until then, their actions are merely mimics or derivatives of the thoughts or beliefs of another. In Ralph Ellison’s novel Invisible Man, the nameless protagonist does not possess a definite sense of self, which results in his living his life for others. Primarily, the invisible man emulates his life after other people. The first example of this is how he behaves like his grandfather. On his deathbed the invisible man’s grandfather tells him to â€Å"to keep up the good fight†(Ellison16). Following this he was always doing what was right and was â€Å"considered an example of desired conduct—just as his grandfather had been†(Ellison 17). Once the invisible man goes off to college he begins to act in a manner to please Mr. Norton. Not only does Mr. Norton not identify with the invisible man racially, he views blacks as â€Å"a mark on the scoreboard of his achievement†(Ellison 95). Despite these two facts the invisible man allows himself to be a â€Å"do boy† by chauffeuring Mr. Norton to slave quarters. It is here that the protagonist can truly be identified as someone that is not in touch with himself because he sacrifices his education for a man that is not concerned about him or his race. Dr. Bledsoe tries to drive this concept into the invisible man when he tells him that â€Å"the white folks tell everybody what to think†(Ellison 143). Dr. Bledsoe expels the invisible man from school, hoping that he will learn how to survive and develop an identity that suits him. After being expelled from school, the invisible man begins a journey to make a living for himself. He ends up in New York where he is introduced to â€Å"The Brotherhood†. â€Å"The Brotherhood† quickly gives him a place to live, a job with a reasonable salary, and petty cash to spend on clothing. He adopts their ideologies, mimics their way of life, and indulges himself in their literature. After going through a rigorous tutorial program the invisible man emerges brainwashed and still lacking an identity. Never making his own decisions, the invisible man becomes â€Å"chief spokesman of the Harlem District†(Ellison 359) and finally begins to promote the ideas of â€Å"The Bro therhood† to the people of Harlem. Not knowing that â€Å"The Brotherhood† is using him to entice the people into following their doctrine and adopting their philosophies. He never decided where he would go or what cause he would speak against. He became a pawn for â€Å"The Brotherhood†. To them he was not an individual, but an inanimate object. Eventually the invisible man grows tired of â€Å"The Brotherhood† and their mannerisms. However, instead of trying to work on developing an identity, the invisible man begins to impersonate â€Å"Rine the runner and Rine the gambler and Rine the briber and Rine the lover and Rinehart the Reverend†(Ellison 498). Wearing a large hat and glasses tinted a dark green, he moves about the street with greetings of â€Å"Hey now!†(Ellison 485) and â€Å"daddy-o†(Ellison 484). He immerses himself into a youthful lifestyle with no prior knowledge of how it operates. His resemblance to Rinehart is advant ageous because it allows him to travel safely from place to place while in hiding from â€Å"â€Å"The Brotherhood†Ã¢â‚¬ . The invisible man moves through his life never really living for himself but for others. In addition, to adopting the behaviors expected of him, he also adopts the personalities of others. Both of these practices strengthen the idea that he is invisible â€Å"simply because people refuse to see† (Ellison 3) him because there really is not a concrete personality to see. Though the invisible man lives a life of emulation for some time, he eventually retreats from others to discover his identity. The invisible man’s first step to living a personally fulfilling life was realizing that his â€Å"future lies chiefly in his own hands†(Vanzant 1/15). Consequently, if he does not know what to identify himself with he will not control his future. To have an established identity one’s self-image, self-esteem and confidence must be asses sed and developed. Secondly he learns that â€Å"identification with an organization or a cause is no substitute for self-realization† (Vanzant4/29). He realizes that his relationship to â€Å"The Brotherhood† and his role in their activities was insignificant. He excepts the fact that he was not really a part of the group, but more so someone that ran errands. In addition, the invisible man discovers â€Å"In the solitude of your mind are the answers to all your questions about life. You must take the time to ask and listen†(Vanzant 1/17). This is seen when he says â€Å"I was looking for myself and asking everyone except myself questions which I, and only I, could answer.† (Ellison 15). Taking time to think about morals, values and basic characteristics can prove useful in determining the qualities, which a person would like to exemplify. Knowing what he stands for will allow him to make better judgments in the future. In due time, he will begin to make judgments based on what his morals, ideas, and values reflect. â€Å"Nothing can dim the light which shines from within†(Vanzant 2/5), when you have a positive self-image you exude a confidence that surpasses even the most negative comments and corrupted situations. The invisible man begins to look at himself positivelyâ€Å"We must not wish to be anything but what we, are and to be that perfectly†(Vanzant 1/7). When we are satisfied with whom we are then we can begin to accomplish things. As the invisible man’s self-esteem increases so does his self-confidence. When someone begins to construct who they are they must realize that â€Å"If you have no confidence in self, you are twice defeated in the race of life. With no confidence, you have won even before you have started†(Vanzant 2/7). The invisible man develops a self-definition, which makes him â€Å"visible† to others. READ: The Failures of Affirmative Action EssayFurthermore, retreating underground was the best decision the invisible man made. Underground is where he finally realizes that he has no identity â€Å"is the way it has always been† (Ellison 566) and that his life was merely a farce. He realizes that other people controlled his whole life: from his grandfather’s death; to driving Mr. Norton; to being expelled from college by Dr. Bledsoe; to being a member of â€Å" â€Å"The Brotherhood†. He understands that he was never given a chance to think for himself and develop an identity befitting him: My problem was that I always tried to go in everyone’s way but my own. I have also been called one thing and then another while no one really wished to hear what I called myself. So after many years of trying to adopt the opinion of others I finally rebelled. (Ellison 573)After years and years of portraying others thoughts and beliefs he accepts â€Å"That I am nobo dy but myself.†(Ellison 15). It took him years to understand that some people live their whole life never knowing who they are and he was one of those people. Happy and content with his subterraneous lifestyle the invisible man begins to live a life true to himself. Invisible Man is a dynamic novel that many people can relate to today. Myriads of people are on a continuous search for their identity and purpose. This process has been conquered by some; however, many never discover or develop to their full potential. The lesson of this novel, however, is that seeking a strong self-definition is essential, while keeping in mind to not let outside agents determine that definition. This novel is one that I would recommend to all of my friends because while following the path that the invisible man takes to self-discover, I realized that many of us are on the same trail of discovery. Invisible Man highlights and emphasizes the significance in having a strong self-identity to live a productive and satisfying life.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Malware and computer system Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Malware and computer system - Essay Example Malware is every computer owner nightmare due to the known effects that come with them. The name malware which owe its derivation from the two names malicious and software has universally been used to refer to these softwares. This malicious software can be thought of us a program that is specifically created by someone who intendeds to disrupts normal operation of the computer. Some of these malware are intended to gather sensitive information from the computer or with the intention of accessing the private computer system. The history of these computer malware date back to as early as 1986 when the first computer malware was made for PC by the two Pakistani brothers. Since then there has been so many advances as far as the malware are concerned from the then window malware which had the mail worms and the macro worms. Later there was the network warms that came through the internet then finally new malware like the rootkit and ransomware were to be found in the computer systems in the later years. Today malware include the computer viruses, ransomware, worms, rootkit, keyloggers, dialers, spyware, adware, malicious BHOs and Trojan horses (Skoudis & Zeltser, 2004). Body of the Report During the last twenty four hours our computer experts have be up to task due to the so many computer malware that have been detected and has thus given us a hell of trouble as far as the function ability of the computers systems are concerned. To begin with our experts have had to deal with the menace of computer virus, computer worms, rootkits and ransomware, spyware and backdoor malwares (Christodorescu, 2006). Computer virus During the last twenty four hours one of the malware that has really given our Information Technology experts a lot of headache is the computer virus. A computer virus can be said to be a malware that harms the computer by spreading within the infected files and this has to be with the aid of other software since it is only during the time of program execution when the code is executed. Specifically our computer system was under attack by the so called Randex which is a computer virus that falls under the memory resident virus affected all the file that were being opened by the user of the computer. It was so hard to deal with this virus since it was specifically located in the RAM of the computer. The computer user subsequently lost control of the system memory to this virus that then was later responsible for the corruption of the many programs that the user was trying to open. In most case the virus not only closed programs that had already opened but also made multiples of copies for the files in the memory and even renamed most of the files thus grounding the user as far as the use of the computer is concerned. Computer worms Secondly, our experts had so much difficulty in dealing with the computer worms that were detected in the computer system. Computer worms can be thought of as the malware that act independently and thus must not attach itself to computer software in order to affect a file. Most of these worms work by

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Developing probes of cathepsin L Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Developing probes of cathepsin L - Lab Report Example The resin has a linker of acid sensitivity that allows the protection of dipeptide. Besides, the cleavage process also affects the selection of the resin. The synthesis process involved adopting the SPPS protocol which involves the use of DMF, resin, reagents like 4-Dimethylamionpyridine (DMAP) and DMF before the addition of liquid reagent (DIC). The resins were washed with DCM3, IPO 3 and NMP 3 several times. The cleavage process involves using a dilute TFA process. The dry resin was placed in the glass funnel and 1% 10 ml FTA of the dry DCM added, filtered through the application of nitrogen pressure on the flask with ten percent pyridine (2ml) dissolved in methanol. The washing of resin and checking of the filtrate using either the HPLC or the TLC method helped in the process. The mass spectrometry was used for the identification of the protein profiles. The mass of the protein were evaluated by the calculation of m/z peaks. The cleavage of the protein was successful and lead to t he identification of 12 peaks. Majority of the cathepsins are cysteine protease while others are either serine or aspartic proteases. The secretion of cathepsins in the body can be induced by factors like interferon and tumour necrosis factor (Hassanein et al., 2009). Different cathepsins are induced by different molecules, for instance cathepsin L is induced by nicotine. Cathepsins are proteases. Proteases are enzymes with the potential to degrading the proteins. These enzymes are ubiquitous in animals and other organisms. The cathepsins occur in different forms and families. Their differences are based on the differences in structural domains (Puzer et al., 2005). Other factors affecting the type of cathepsins include the proteins they cleave and the catalytic mechanisms. The optimal environment for these enzymes is acidic media, therefore, most of the cathepsins undergo activation at lower ionic concentration characterised by the