Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Analysis Of The Book New Atlantis - 1877 Words

New Atlantis is the story of a navigator and his crew aiming to go to China, but an unprecedented blast of winds redirects their course. As they are blown off course, they soon come across an island that has never been charted on their maps before. The island is known as Bensalem. As they arrive close to the port, they received a scroll written in Hebrew, Greek, Latin, and Spanish. The scroll had told them that they had only sixteen days to stay on the port. The crew could also receive some supplies from the island as well. First, the man asks if the people on the ship are Christian. The crew says yes, and then the man asks about the sick people on the ship. The captain says there are a quite a bunch of sick people on the ship. The health advisor seemed to immediately know it was scurvy, since soon he brought an orange- scarlet type of fruit to the crew for them to eat. This insinuates that the people on this island are more advanced in the medical field, which means that they have m ade more scientific progress than the other nations of the time. Thereafter, the crew makes an oath to not disturb the peace of the island, meaning they wont steal or attack anyone or anything. As soon as they settle that, six people from the crew including the captain are given permission to go into the mainland. Of course, the sick stay on the ship in order to get better. The men are told that they are to go into a place called the Stranger’s house. When they arrive, they are told to stayShow MoreRelatedA Chooser Option Or A Straddle : Valuation And Efficiency Analysis1423 Words   |  6 PagesA Chooser Option or a Straddle: Valuation and Efficiency Analysis Introduction The necessity in new efficient financial instruments has risen dramatically for the last two decades, due to a sharp increase in the complexity of financial markets and the uncertainty to which the market participants face. Derivatives play an important role in the world’s economy nowadays, allowing various investment and hedging opportunities. The proper use of financial derivatives such as options increases the potentialRead MoreBeowulf As An Epic Hero Essay1545 Words   |  7 PagesThe Flash. It is acceptable to list Beowulf with these heroes due to all of his heroic efforts defeating various monsters and enemies and the fact that he has a DC Comic made about him. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

E-Business, Opportunities And Threats Free Essays

The most way of payment In the Internet Is by paying through credit card. The business website could be hacked by cyber-hacker and he could steal the credit card numbers of the customers of the business. How to solve the problem? The company should make sure that their system is protected and safe from any viruses, so the company must install anti-virus software and do regular update for it to ensure that their system is safe well. We will write a custom essay sample on E-Business, Opportunities And Threats or any similar topic only for you Order Now Also the company should always make a back-up for Its data and never switch off the firewall. Communication with customers Sometimes, while employee of the company talks with customer through the email, the customer might have in his/her computer a virus and this virus sent itself to the computer of the company and affected it. How to solve the problem? The company should save its data by backing-up It at safe devices. Also It should Install antl-vlrus software the will scan every downloaded file before the employee open It. The company must Inform Its employees about email attachments from customers or unknown emails and how danger they could be to the company computers. Promote Products Some companies promote their products through sending it to customers by email, and this way of promoting Is affect to reputation of the company as It Is annoying or It considered as not acceptable. How to solve the problem? If the company wants to promote its product through sending it to customer by email, it should do it at good way like reducing number of Images, never attach weird files or large size files, and the subject of the email should be simple and understandable. Provide Information Some companies do not have the security In their websites, so It could be hacked by yber-hacker and he might change or delete the information that will make the company at hard situation. How to solve the problem? The company should back-up its data, enhance its system to be strong secure, and make regular scan for the system. Also the firewall must always switched on and having updated an anti-virus software. Operational Implication trends Natlonal Ba KOT Banraln Is respond to E-Buslness ana nas develope a nls servlces because of several competitive forces. Expectations and product fulfillment Because of modern technology, NBB is providing its services through E-Business to uit and cover the expectation of their customers’ such as checking the balance, transfer funds, payments and to fulfill their desire and demand. Customer expectation Because of high customers’ expectation at this time, NBB developed its website to make it very quick to load that have the ability to contain and serve lots of customers. Information of the service that NBB offer are available, also NBB website has zero of annoying pop-ups and there is space to customers to leave feedback to enhance the services. Increased competition Because of the increasing of competition that BBK offers set of services at its website, NBB is always tried to recruit the finest, creative, and talented people that will enhance the process of NBB services and this will raise the competition. Also NBB is offering new loans plan from time to time and offer many type of debit and credit cards. New providers NBB try to not give the opportunity to other new banks for being best than NBB, NBB develops its website to make it much easier and easier and simple to use like provide answers of frequently asked questions â€Å"FAQs†. Also it is offer transfer funds, credit card and loan payment can be made through the website as well. Also NBB has one of the biggest network â€Å"ATM† services around Bahrain. Strategic implications of trends on organizations Competitive pressures Because of BBK competitive activities that allow its customers to check their inquire about their balance, transfer amounts; check online statement NBB is compete to make its services better in different aspects such as hiring qualified, who are reliable, organized to enhance the process, have problem solving skills and deep knowledge n E-Business. And offer their services with affordable prices. Relocations, takeovers, closures and mergers NBB has ATM card which let the customer with draw money from other ATM that belong to other banks in a competitive prices. Refocusing business Through NBB website, a lot of people know about NBB and its service. ADVANTI Operational implication trends Expectations and product fulfillment Because of modern technology, Advanti is providing its services through E-Business to suit and cover the expectation of their customers’ and to fulfill their desire and demand. Customer expectation Because of customers expectation that they expect they will find there requires at Advantl weDslte. Advantl Improved Its weDslte to De slmple ana easy to use. I ne website domain name is simple and easy to remember. Also Advanti provide pictures, description of its products and provide detail of the prices, policy and condition. The text format ; colors is comfortable to be seen. Increased competition Because of competitor’s activities like ALWASAT Computers that provide many types of delivery services , Advanti now ship its product to GCC countries. Advanti provide ervice of deliver the products â€Å"door to door† and offer discount on some products from time to time. It is also offers gift cards. New providers Because of quick and remarkable presence of AL-Wasat Computers that offers many number of brands, Advanti offers the most unique computer accessories and at affordable prices. It is also known of its faster shipping and its guarantee that the product will arrived safety. Advanti encourage its customers’, its offer coupon to the customer that buys from Advanti through online. Because of the competitive pressure that A1-Wasat Computers try its best to attract ustomer base. Advanti goals is to satisfy the customer as much as possible and compete to make its services better in different aspects such as hiring qualified, who are reliable, organized to enhance the process, have problem solving skills and deep knowledge in E-Business. And offer their services with affordable prices. Relocations, takeovers, closures and mergers Advanti is co-corporate with FedEx through shipping the products to customers. Refocusing business Through Advanti website, Advanti have a big customer base a lot of people know about Advanti and its products. How to cite E-Business, Opportunities And Threats, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Ethics IssuesDepartment of social work Essay Example For Students

Ethics IssuesDepartment of social work Essay Master of Social Work- Year 2 Ethics Assignment Matriculation Number: Exam Number: Submission Date: 12th of December No of Words: 2713 All names have been made anonymous to protect the identity of individuals. Scenario David aged 11 was in residential care along with his 7 siblings. He had a severe history of abuse (sexual, physical and emotional) from a female relative. His stay in this residential setting was one of assessment no work at this stage was being carried out to address these issues. This child was restrained whilst shouting at his brother. This had been an extremely distressing day as three of his younger siblings had been placed with foster carers and these two boys were unsure where they would be going. They had quite a volatile relationship and it had been agreed by all staff that there would be a cool-off time enforced, to calm the children. On this occasion an argument occurred between my colleague and the young person, who we will call David. Unfortunately my colleague did not wait until she has changeover to be informed of the days events and immersed herself in this situation. In residential care the C.A. L.M (Crisis Aggression Limitation Management.) technique is used to support agencies in the management of aggressive and challenging behaviour. This is a very successful and highly regarded model of treatment and is accredited and registered.1 On this occasion my colleague did not have this level of training and used holding techniques, which were unsuitable for residential work. The restraint did not follow the C. A.L.M. physical restraint model. It also lasted for over an hour, which resulted in injury to staff. There was also no trained member of staff on shift and no one that was willing to assist in physical holding. At the beginning of this project, it was made clear who had the adequate training for restraints and those that did not. We were strongly advised not to intervene unless there was no alternative and/or immediate harm would have been caused to a young person or those around them. David became very emotional and his anxiety level increased as he thrashed around and screamed for the member of staff to get off him. He was heard shouting; this is what bad people did to me Even at this stage the restraint did not stop and was clearly upsetting him. I believe the upset was directly related to the holding measures as they were not appropriate or safe holds. Ethical Issues problems The ethical issues around in this scenario include the individual rights of David who should have been given the same rights as he would have at home, also the responsibility that my colleague had to adhere to agency policy and procedures. Ethical Issues around inequality i.e. the power balance between service provider and service user were huge and particularly threatening for David as most of the staff were woman with whom he had a tenuous relationship. In this case; mainly agency personnel staffed the unit. This in itself can have its own drawbacks. Having researched the recruitment practices for this particular agency for the purpose of this essay, and indeed having been recruited by them myself; the level of qualifications and skills required is high. However, on entering a residential unit it is rare that a member of staff will ask you if you are C.A.L.M trained. Ethically, some people due, to their own value base, will not restrain, as they believe it to be damaging to a child. A recurring problem for the social work department will be the staff shortages within the department requiring bank and agency staff to fill the gaps Even when staff have been trained, the training course for C. .uc40fa883dd12bf4444a69f61e0cedb93 , .uc40fa883dd12bf4444a69f61e0cedb93 .postImageUrl , .uc40fa883dd12bf4444a69f61e0cedb93 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uc40fa883dd12bf4444a69f61e0cedb93 , .uc40fa883dd12bf4444a69f61e0cedb93:hover , .uc40fa883dd12bf4444a69f61e0cedb93:visited , .uc40fa883dd12bf4444a69f61e0cedb93:active { border:0!important; } .uc40fa883dd12bf4444a69f61e0cedb93 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uc40fa883dd12bf4444a69f61e0cedb93 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uc40fa883dd12bf4444a69f61e0cedb93:active , .uc40fa883dd12bf4444a69f61e0cedb93:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uc40fa883dd12bf4444a69f61e0cedb93 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uc40fa883dd12bf4444a69f61e0cedb93 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uc40fa883dd12bf4444a69f61e0cedb93 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uc40fa883dd12bf4444a69f61e0cedb93 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uc40fa883dd12bf4444a69f61e0cedb93:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uc40fa883dd12bf4444a69f61e0cedb93 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uc40fa883dd12bf4444a69f61e0cedb93 .uc40fa883dd12bf4444a69f61e0cedb93-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uc40fa883dd12bf4444a69f61e0cedb93:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Essay on Wounded topicA.L.M is not considered an essential skill to have for the job within residential work with young people. Children Scotland Act 1995 The Children (Scotland) Act 1995, incorporates provisions from the UN convention on the Rights of the child and also takes account of obligations under the European Convention on human Rights. The Children Scotland Act states that each child has the right to: be treated as an individual. Form and express views on matters affecting him or her; and .