Monday, September 30, 2019

Human sexuality Essay

She was barely eight years old when together with seven of her age mates ,she was handed over to a traditional circumciser who took them through the painful process of FGM. it has been many years since ,and she has accomplished so much in life, but the incident remains fresh in her mind. The old woman who took them through the process was going blind, she says, and three of the eight who underwent the procedure died due to excessive bleeding. One of them was her very close friend. Luckily for her, the bleeding was not too much and she had a savior at hand. Her father, who was a policeman, took her to a hospital in Garissa using a police land rover. This was the traumatizing experience that nominated Member of Parliament, Sophia Abdi Noor went through when her mother blessed her to undergo the rite of passage that would cleanse her and make her acceptable for marriage according to tradition. Never before in history of the august house had a member used her own life experience to move debate as Ms.  Sophia did when supporting the bill to outlaw female genital mutilation. Female genital mutilation is the term used for operations or removal of all or just part of the external parts of female genitilia. This practice has for a long time come under increasingly intense international scrutiny from the news media, feminist and human rights organizations. The main reasons for continuation of FGM are firstly, as a rite of passage from girlhood to womanhood; a circumcised woman is considered mature, obedient and aware of her role in the family and society. Secondly, FGM is perpetuated as a means of reducing sexual desire of girls and women, thereby curbing sexual activity before and ensuring fidelity within marriage. Although opposition to female ‘circumcision’ has been articulated throughout the twentieth century, starting with missionaries and colonial administrators, the current resurgence of indignation was ignited in part by activists at conferences honoring the United Nations Decade for women(1975-1985). (Shell-Duncan. B,Hernland-Y;pg 23) The practice of circumcising women has very deep roots that touch all aspects of the cultures that continue to inflict it upon their girls. However,it still remains to be a practice that violates the human rights of affected women in a moral and ethical sense because it generates psychological torture, low self-esteem, tampers with a woman’s sexuality and is a health hazard. Psychological torture The pain inflicted by F. G. M does not stop with the initial procedure, but often continues as an ongoing torture throughout a woman’s life. Intense pain and hemorrhage experienced during the procedure can lead to shock. A 1985 Kenyan study found that nearly 97% of the 269 women interviewed experienced intense pain during and after F. G.  M and more than 13% went into shock. According to WHO, It is self-evident that any form of surgical interference in the highly sensitive genital organs constitutes a serious threat to the woman, and that the painful operation is a source of major physical as well as psychological trauma. The extent and nature of the immediate and long-term mental disturbances will depend on the girl’s inner defences, the prevailing psychological environment, and a host of other factors. The family no doubt does its best to mitigate the painful effects of the operation; nonetheless, they necessarily undergo overwhelming experiences. Even before the operation, the threat of ‘cutting’ and fear provoking situation may disturb the mental state of the child to the degree that it causes worry, anxiety, sleeplessness, nightmares or panic. As anticipating precautions against these anxieties the family commonly uses various forms of traditional magi co-religious practice such as fumigation, or the wearing of amulets. On a religious perspective, the scripture prescribes that special efforts be made to care for those who are most vulnerable. (Deut 10:17-19,Ps 82:3,4; Ps24:11,12;Luke 1:52-54) Jesus taught that children should be loved and protected. Therefore,the genital mutilation of young girls violates the biblical mandate to safeguard children and protect them from harm and abuse Tampers with a woman’s sexuality. Sexual intercourse can only take place after opening the infibulation, through surgery or penetrative sexual intercourse. Consequently, intercourse is frequently painful during the first weeks after initiation. Although it is difficult to verify reports or women’s sexual experiences, physical complications from FGM often impede sexual enjoyment. FGM destroys much or all of the vulva nerve endings, delaying arousal or impairing orgasm. Lacerations loss of skin elasticity, or development of neuron (a tumor or mass growing from a nerve) can lead to painful intercourse. In a 1993 Kenyan study, 5% of women interviewed experienced painful intercourse while 9. 3% of them reported having difficult or impossible penetration, and that many of the married ones only accepted it only as a duty. Scripture celebrates the divinely ordained gift of sexual intimacy within marriage (Eccl9. 9;Prov 5:18,19). The practice of female genital mutilation should be renounced because it threatens the creator’s design for the experience of joyful sexuality by married couples. For married couples, the gift of sexual union may be further blessed by the birth of children (Prov 31:28). The fact that successful childbirth is threatened by FGM is additional grounds for opposition to this practice. Health hazard. In October 1994, as a response to the call to Global Action,UNICEF issued an executive directive declaring that FGM is a health hazard to children and violation of their human rights. FGM in any form should not be practiced by health professionals in any setting including hospitals or other health establishments. Unnecessary oddly mutilation cannot be condoned by health providers. FGM is harmful to the health of women and girls and violates their basic human rights and medicalization of the procedure does not eliminate this harm. On the contrary, it reinforces the continuation of the practice by seeming to legitimize it. Health practitioners should provide all necessary care and counseling for complications that may arise as a result. Group circumcision, where the same unsterilized instrument is used on several girls at a time, repeat cutting and stitching increases risk of HIV infection. The Bible presents the goodness of God’s creation, including the creation of human beings (Gen 1:31; Ps 139:13, 14). God is the source and sustainer of human life (Job 33:4; john 1:3, 4). He calls for preservation of human life and holds humanity accountable for its destruction(Gen 9:5,6;Ex20:13,Jer 7:3-34). The human body is the â€Å"the temple of the Holy Spirit,† and followers of God are urged to care for and preserve their bodies, including the Creator’s gift of sexuality, as a spiritual responsibility (1cor6:15-19). Because FGM is harmful to health, threatening to life, and injurious to sexual function, it is incompatible with the will of God. Having discussed the side effects that FGM pauses to victims, various communities have come up with measures to fight this procedure, an alternative rite of passage in the abandonment of FGM is used. It involves a four-step procedure Preparation Seminars for both parents and initiates are encouraged. The topics will include side effects of female circumcision, and get prepared to attend a residential seminar to elaborate on what the alternative procedure entails. Actual Circumcision In the alternative Rite of passage, actual circumcision should be stopped since we have learnt that it is not necessary to make a woman an adult nor mature. The side effects of F. C both short and long terms are to be avoided if actual circumcision is not performed. Parents can select a teacher and trainer, for their daughter who will accompany her to the residential centre for an alternative rite of passage seminar. Seclusion. For this the girls will attend a residential seminar for one week away from home. The initiate will be accompanied with their teacher and trainer. Women both circumcised and un circumcised from the community will facilitate during the seminar. Additional topics-AIDS, STI’s, simple hygiene and great women in the Bible, in community and in Kenya. Rites and rituals will be optional. Girls of circumcision age are between six and twelve years old. For the purpose of effective learning, the girls will be divided into two groups; girls between six and nine, ten and twelve. Graduation Graduation is expected to be brief and colourful. Songs, drama, plays and poems will be encouraged. Parents, community leaders, politicians and government officials will be invited to attend to witness the graduation of whole girls. Certificates of graduation will be awarded and prayers, blessings conducted. Exchange of gifts for newly graduated girls will be carried out and finally the graduates will be handed over to the community,chief,church elders and clan elders. Since it’s an annual event, committees are to b e established to plan for the following year.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Blackwell, Miniard, and Engel Decision-Making Model Essay

My family recently purchased a Toyota Prius.   This is a magnificent car which has a positive effect on the environment.   The Toyota Prius runs on both petrol and electricity thus saving both money and the rapidly decreasing ozone layer.   My family has always been environmental conscious and this was an important decision considering the current state of the environment and global warming.   Not only was there much research put into this purchase but there are also incentives in places such as Westminster City where Eco-cars receive FREE parking permits (â€Å"Free Parking†).   Blackwell, Miniard, and Engel have been working together for many years to determine the consumer decision making process.    Together they have created many models and completed much research to support their theories of consumer behavior.   Using the Blackwell, Miniard and Engel decision-making model I will show how my family came to the decision of the purchase.   There are many steps that one goes through before making an important decision such as a purchase of a new car. Reviewing these steps in sequence and having an inside look of the though that went into each step will help establish the process of consumer behavior. Beginning with stimuli, we will review the exposure, attention, comprehension, and retention stage that occurred to cause the thought of this purchase to hold steadfast in the memory, then moving on to need recognition, environmental influences, individual differences influencing the purchase decision, we will see what cause the purchase to became complete, and what happens thereafter with satisfaction/dissatisfaction and divestment stages of the consumer process. Stimuli: Product Exposure What better stimuli for a new product are available to the consumer than media exposure?   There has been a lot media exposure to global warming and the effects green house gases on having on the ozone layer.   There have also been many celebrities choosing to go green and help save the world.   Stars Penelope Cruz and Leonardo DiCaprio hosted a Pre-Oscar green party to show their support of electric cars.   They, along with several other celebrities, opted to drive themselves to the Oscars in their new electric cars. The point was clear; everyone needs to take steps to prevent global warming (and you should hurry up and jump on the band wagon celebrities are giving up limo rides!).   The Pre-Oscar green party is was a genius idea as the Oscars are huge and people from all over the world partake in the nights events.   The   marketing behind such an event draws attention to the eco friendly cause and covers all of the beginning stages of the Blackwell, Miniard, and Engel decision making model; exposure, attention, comprehension, acceptance, and retention. Of course these five characteristics contribute to memory and that is where the consumer behavior process begins.   My parents had already decided that it was time to purchase a new car. Need recognition was already determined.   But at this point they were just beginning to take a look around.   The genius of the marketing ploy/awareness campaign for Eco-friendly cars stayed with my parents as they began to make some decisions about their new car purchase and once again reinforced to memory the importance of eco-friendly vehicles. Social Influences Eco-friendly cars are a hot topic and many friends of my parent’s had also started to think about or start purchasing green cars over the last year.   Now with the price of petrol constantly on the rise how could you not consider it?   The influences of friends have always helped my family move along and make a final decision.   In this case all of my parents’ friends were considering taking a step towards a cleaner environment or at least taking a step to stay trendy and up to date with the current issues concerning the world.   Of course this is a tough cause to turn your back on as many people are adamant and taking firm stand to lower the rate fossil fuel is burned. Research With this heavy exposure to both the cause and the solution my family chose to reevaluate the current car situation and see if it was time for an upgrade which would be the need recognition stage of the model.   After a quick internet search on the status of the ozone and the effect of fossil fuels on the greenhouse gases my father discovered; the effects of global warming are being felt worldwide.   â€Å"Global warming and the melting of polar ice cover is predicted to raise ocean levels worldwide, directly impacting on island nations who plead most strongly for restraint of fossil fuel consumption by industrialized nations† (Mayer). Some alternative fuel methods have been tried and found to be very successful.   â€Å"Another strategy for reducing fossil fuel emissions from vehicles is to shift to alternate fueled vehicles. Various choices include electric, natural gas, methane, and fuel cell vehicles† (Mayer). He decided it was time to step in and help the cause.   During the pre purchase evaluation my father decided it was time to upgrade the vehicle and began an internet search to find out everything he could about the Toyota Prius, and other green cars including the Volkswagen Touran, the Peugeot 407, and the Honda Accord.   He learned everything possible about each car including the gas mileage, cost, efficiency.   He read consumer reports, company reports, and online reviews and eventually evaluated the positives and negatives of each car. Personality, Values, Lifestyle Choices permit Consumer Buying My parent’s liberal nature permitted personality, values, and lifestyle choices to properly fall into place with the purchase. For years my organic food was the only thing available in my house and my parents have supported many environmental causes.   After the Oscars my father’s motivation to purchase a green car increase ten hold and he begun his thorough investigation.  Ã‚  Ã‚   The individual differences of the cars and manufactures had much to do with my family’s purchase of the Prius. The internet provided all the consumer resources my parent’s needed to come to a narrowed the decision down to either the Toyota Prius or the Volkswagen Touran. The next step was for my parents to go and see both cars.   They met with salespeople; test drove each car, learned how much fuel each car consumed per kilometer, and investigated the electric components of the car.   Although comparable in design, boot space, and kilometers to the liter, my parents both choose the Prius and after much research were happy to take it home. Consumer Satisfaction My parents are very happy with this vehicle at home.   Consumer consumption is a concept that can be defined as â€Å"a mean’s of producing one’s self and self-image† (Arnould & Price, 2000, p. 141).   The image my parent’s are trying to produce is one of a trendy and environmentally aware people.   The Toyota Prius definitely portrays this image.   In terms of satisfaction this may be the best purchase my parents have every made.   They are more than happy to show it off and tell all of the perks and special features to anyone who cares to listen.   In retrospect if Toyota ever needs spokes person for the Prius they should definitely consider my parents. Divestment   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   At this time divestment is not a concept that is considered with this purchase.   The social value alone has causes an investment in the environment which is never a lost cause.   Friends and neighbors are impressed and this is important to my parents. Conclusion My parents played out each step of the decision making process in almost the exact layout of the model provided by Blackwell, Miniard, and Engel. Beginning with stimuli, we will review the exposure, attention, comprehension, and retention stage that occurred to cause the thought of this purchase to hold steadfast in the memory, then moving on to need recognition, environmental influences, individual differences influencing the purchase decision, we will see what cause the purchase to became complete, and what happens thereafter with satisfaction/dissatisfaction and divestment stages of the consumer process.   Overall this has been an interesting investigation into the thought process behind such a purchase for our family.   Consumers as a whole have a difficult time choosing environmental friendly products â€Å"Until (recently), industrialization had enjoyed an extraordinary and almost continuous success–except for occasional wars. Technological development and its products were widely accepted. Standards of living, prosperity, and welfare were and are closely tied to the successes of industrial society. Energy, particularly in the form of fossil fuels, has been and continues to be essential to an advanced, industrial society. The enterprises and authorities involved in energy production and supply–and the decision making and planning relating to them–enjoyed respect and support. They had well established legitimacy. An ample supply of energy was seen as crucial for industrial development and for providing important ingredients to everyday comforts and welfare. Since the â€Å"golden age of energy† came to an end (around 1970), there have occurred significant changes in our consciousness, in our policies, and to some extent in our practices. In part, this is reflected in the results of energy research. In response to the energy problem, policymakers and planners have tried–and continue to try–a variety of strategies: Attempts to reduce energy consumption, save energy, and increase energy efficiency† (Monnier et al., 1986, p. 54). These are issues that need to be clear in every consumers thought process.   I applaud the thoughtful efforts of celebrities, manufacturers, countries, and individual states that support the cause and try to encourage consumers to be conscious about their buying decisions.   It is important to consider the consequences of all of our actions and this includes our action when we purchase a new product. References Arnould, E. J., & Price, L. L. (2000). 8 Authenticating Acts and Authoritative Performances. In The Why of Consumption: Contemporary Perspectives on Consumer Motives, Goals and Desires, Ratneshwar, S., Mick, D. G., & Huffman, C. (Eds.) (pp. 140-163). London: Routledge. Donnelley, Astrakhan. â€Å"Natural Responsibilities: Philosophy, Biology, and Ethics in Ernst Mayr and Hans Jonas.† The Hastings Center Report 32.4 (2002): 36+. Questia. 21 Mar. 2007 . Johansen, Bruce E. The Global Warming Desk Reference. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2002. Questia. 21 Mar. 2007 . Lackner, Klaus S., and Jeffrey D. Sachs. â€Å"A Robust Strategy for Sustainable Energy.† Brookings Papers on Economic Activity (2005): 215+. Questia. 21 Mar. 2007 . Lee, J., & Geistfeld, L. V. (1998). Enhancing Consumer Choice: Are We Making Appropriate Recommendations?. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 32(2), 227+. Retrieved March 21, 2007, from Questia database: Mayer, Donald O. â€Å"Corporate Governance in the Cause of Peace: An Environmental Perspective.† Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law 35.2 (2002): 585+. Questia. 21 Mar. 2007 . â€Å"Free Parking Permits for Eco-Cars.† BBC News 15 Mar. 2007. 21 Mar. 2007 .   

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Chinese Nationalists and Chinese Communists in China in the 1920s Essay

Chinese Nationalists and Chinese Communists in China in the 1920s - Essay Example In his article, Analysis of the Classes in Chinese Society, Mao Tse-tung argues that the lower classes of Chinese society will provide the main support for the communist revolution because they have low economic status and are victims of the capitalist exploitation of international imperialism. According to Mao, the origin of massive class disparity in China is the imperial capitalism which places most of the national resources in the hands of a small elite group and leaves the majority of the population, which comprises of peasants and low-level workers, economically deprived and struggling excessively in their efforts to earn a living. Mao believes that these struggling classes are the real friends of the revolution because they stand to benefit tremendously in a system whereby national resources are equitably distributed to all citizens (Tse-tung, Mao’s argument on economic disparity between classes in Chinese society illustrates the reason for the con stant conflict between the Chinese Nationalists and Chinese Communists in the 1920s. Mao’s argument plays a significant role when considering the differences between the Chinese Nationalists and Chinese Communists in China in the 1920s. The policies of the Nationalists tended to lean towards western ideals of capitalism and international imperialism. These policies favored the high classes of Chinese society at the expense of the lower classes. The high classes benefited from this system because they owned capital which they could use for productive purposes. They kept the proceeds from these productive purposes all to themselves, paying peasant workers small wages and overworking them. On the other hand, the Communists recognized that resources are limited, and not everyone in the society can acquire significant resources that will enable them to live comfortably. Therefore, they believed that the government should have sole control of all resources and distribute them equal ly to all members of the society (Ebrey, Walthall and Palais, 427). These massive ideological differences pitted the Communists against the Nationalists in the struggle to establish control over the divided country. It quickly became apparent to the Communists that they would have to drive the Nationalists from power for them to be able to spread the ideals of the revolution. Regime change and complete overhaul of the old system would have to take place if the communist revolution were to achieve success. Consequently, the Communists were a direct threat to the survival of the Nationalist government and to its grip on power and influence. As a result, the Nationalists realized that they would have to stem communist ideals from spreading throughout China in order to prevent the Communists from acquiring enough support to mount a revolution (Ebrey, Walthall and Palais, 431). Throughout the 1920s, there was conflict between the Nationalists and the Communists. The Communists were attem pting to grow their movement whereas the Nationalists were bent on preventing from them from gaining a foothold among rural Chinese peasants and urban dwellers. For example, the Communist Party gained a massive following among members of the General Labor Union of Shanghai. This following enabled the Communist Party to influence the GLU to call for a general strike on March 1921. Consequently over six hundred thousand workers seized the city and demanded a return of foreign concessions. Soldiers and members of the Green Gang loyal to Chiang Kaishek of the Nationalist Party immediately mounted a response, shooting and killing an estimated 5,000 union members and also attacked the union headquarters. This terror did not end with Shanghai. It quickly spread to other Chinese cities whereby soldiers of the Nationalist government destroyed bases of the Communist Party (Ebrey, Walthall and Palais, 427). These events demonstrated the fear that the Nationalists had over the Communists gainin g

Friday, September 27, 2019

Logistics and Supply Chain Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Logistics and Supply Chain Management - Essay Example In the modern world, when supply chain management and the philosophy of logistics are combined in an efficient manner a company can become richer and more powerful than any emperor of the past. Supply chain management not only allows the right people to have the right things at the right time, it also makes sure that there is no wastage in the process and the overall costs of the business are reduced (Van Hoek, 2005). Every business decision and every business choice comes with an associated cost which must be borne by the shareholders or the owners of the business which means that costs need to be reduced to ensure a healthy profit. Supply chain management does exactly that by cutting down costs in several important areas of business (Christopher, 2005). Lummus and Demarie (2006) give the example of supply chain management experts such as Renee Gregoire and James Correll who discussed the importance of supply chain management at the end of the last century. The future predictions made by them suggested that global competition and heightened customer demands of quality and speed would cause drastic changes in supply chain management. They further suggested that heavy industry, manufacturing and retail would be primary areas in which the supply chain management process as well as the philosophy of logistics would change in a significant manner. Of course the threats to the global supply chain today extend far deeper than a lack of insight or mismanagement since security is also a top concern for supply chain management professionals (Blanchard, 2006). We certainly find this to be true today if we examine the current structures of the global corporations which have to deal with new threats against them and new hostilities coming from various sources (Blanchard, 2006). However, in business terms, the primary motivation is the rise in customer expectations that seek individualized products to be delivered to them in record time.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

International Trade Finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

International Trade Finance - Essay Example This report looks into various aspects of international trade finance in relation to Stainless Cookware Ltd. The report will first analyse import/inward documents against payment collection in international trade since the company also engages in inward trade that requires inward financing and documentation. The report will also identify an appropriate banking product that Mr. Gupta, the director of the company can use to finance imports. The Incoterm that is currently used in the Saudi contract will also be evaluated, and recommendation will be given on whether another alternative may be used. Furthermore, the report will highlight how else the bank may protect the company. Advantages of invoicing using the USD will also be discussed while at the same time providing the three quotes alongside their sterling equivalent. This will demonstrate a deep application of international finance in the case study. There are also some documentation and other e-commerce financial aspects that can be used in international trade. Methods of payment in international trade will further be analysed. The Stainless Steel Cookware records its imports on documents against payment (DP) collection. The DP mechanism involves the release of import documents upon payment by the buyer. It is a crucial method of payment in international transactions which can enhance faster and effective payment for Stainless Steel Cookware. In this mechanism, the exporter asks the bank to present shipping and title documents to the importer only when he pays for the bill of exchange or draft. This is cash against documents, and it ensures that the importer pays for the goods as he takes possession of them (Carr & Stone, 2013). DP is therefore an effective method of payment for Stainless Steel Cookware because it ensures that the importers of its goods pay for their imports as

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

English Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 69

English - Essay Example The freedom to speech and communication is a universally accepted provision within the modern day confines of democracy though the government and other oversight bodies are charged with the mandate to regulate the limits to this freedom. The government or the other regulatory bodies have the capacity to enforce regulation prohibiting publication of a piece of literary work such as a poem, thematic play or any personal declared piece of information upon establishing that the information being conveyed is detrimental to a country’s or institutions welfare and this define censorship. Nevertheless, there exists varying opinions between people in favor for or against censorship as supported by individual experience or perception of the same. I highly appreciate the government’s role in controlling and managing the freedom of expression as is provided for within our constitution. However, I highly disregard her role to censor the public for selfish gains or order to condone practices that are against ethics and morality as it happened through my own experience. My theatre group happened to be shortlisted the best student in provincial drama festivals in the category of High school competitions back in the year 2010. We had presentation of a play that had the theme of the deep rootedness of corruption within the governance structure of a hypothetical country though in real sense that was a direct representation of our country. The event that had lead to the script write choice of the theme had been a just recently concluded election where one ethnic community (and which had previously made the better part of the government) won the presidency as well as the majority representation in the national assembly. Through the play, we captured how this community and politics had shaped the institutions of the country to be more or less a communal structure and had over two-thirds of all-powerful

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Business Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Business Management - Assignment Example Strategic partnerships with other business organizations have been a key factor which has helped the company in its global expansion and dominance. In general four blocks of competitive advantage has been identified that provides an organization to outcompete its rivals. These are efficiency, customer responsiveness, quality and innovation. These factors help a firm to achieve either lower cost or higher product differentiation which in turn provides competitive advantage. In case of Federal Express for the company to maintain its profitability above average it is integral that it continues to develop its logistics more robustly (Gendron, 2012). The development of logistics services began from the period of 80’s and all the major competitors began to provide logistics services to assist the business customers in activities like assembly operation, warehousing and distribution. This can help the organization to develop its customer responsiveness and contribute in the long term-profitability. Better logistics management can help the customers to meet their customized requirements into a standardized physical network. Two direct advantages can be derived from this firstly, the reduction of cost and secondly higher cost capacity utilization. The customers can achieve higher level of satisfaction from the better security arising from this. Therefore, it seems plausible that higher investment in the BLS Division of the company which takes care of the logistics division is likely to bring more customers for the company which in turn will help in achieving higher revenues. This strategy is better than the price cutting strategy as such behavior often induces similar responses from the competitors which may fail to provide benefits in the long-run. Also UPS one of the biggest rivals of Federal Express had focused heavily on improving its logistics services in order to retain its competitive advantage throughout 2000’s. This is perhaps one of the

Monday, September 23, 2019

Why incentive plans cannot work Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Why incentive plans cannot work - Essay Example We will be summarizing the main points of the article below. The article by Kohn (1993) questions the assumption that rewards or incentives can do no good for the performance of employees. The article is not accepting the basic psychological assumption that underlines any incentive plan, and an explanation is given as to why incentive plans cannot work. The system of giving rewards to employees is criticized because of the ill founded assumptions. Implementation of incentive plans have been criticized previously but the philosophy behind rewards and incentives was not questioned. The empirical evidence against reward is seen as a problem with implementation rather than that of philosophy of incentive plans. The argument given forward by the article is that rewards and incentive plans only yield temporary compliance of employees. Incentives, according to the article, do not increase the productivity or working potential of a person for a longer period of time. Rather rewards only force employees to comply with the organizational needs on a temporary basis. This effect is not at all a long term thing, and the world seems to be oblivious of the fact because of the limited research work on incentives. Studies on incentives and rewards are many but they seem to put forward the basic psychological relationship between reward and work. For many decades now this assumption has not been challenged in studies. This is why people have failed to realize that reward and incentive plans only breed temporary compliance. Rewards and inventive plans are known for changing the attitudes of people towards something but the author contends that the effect of reward is not different than that of punishment. The effect of reward only temporary changes behavior and as soon as the effect of reward fades away, the behavior reverts back. This means that there is not intrinsic change in a person’s belief or attitude due

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Workplace Bullying Essay Example for Free

Workplace Bullying Essay Bullying is a worldwide epidemic that has plagued our society system for decades. We often hear that most of bully cases take place in schools but the gospel truth is bully also happens in the workplace. The workplace that should be a safe environment that allows employees to be productive has been disrupted by bully as he creates a hostile work environment for all employees and drives everyone up the wall. In fact bullying in the workplace is one of the most significant challenge face by companies nowadays. Workplace bullying may refer to the tendency of individuals or groups to use persistent aggressive behaviour against co-workers. Workplace bullying comes in a wide variety of different forms such as physical force, verbal, sexual, mental or emotional depending on circumstance. The bullys behaviour also impose a big threat on the companys productivity. Bullying at workplace occurs because of the negative traits of the bully and the solution to overcome it are the person who is being bullied should stand for himself and the actions taken by the top management in order to solve bully. Firstly, bullying at workplace occurs because of the negative traits possess by the bully. This is because the bully perpetrator is jealous of his victim’s performance at the workplace, so he takes out his frustration and jealousy on his victim. One of the reasons is because he does not want his victim to surpass his performance as he perceives this as a threat that will put his position at stake. Instead of working in a healthy competition, the bully makes his victim feels inferior by saying inappropriate words to the victim which will lead the victim to have low self-esteem. According to King (n. d.), jealous of the victim’s achievement at work is the reason of why bullies pick their victim. Kane (n. d.), also supported this in her article by saying that employees who perform well and are loved by the employers are often being targeted by the bullies. This is simply because the bully does not wants his victim to get all the highlights and attention. Besides that, the bully bullies because he wants to hide his inadequacy in doing his work. He fears that if other workers figure out about his incompetency, they will look down on him. In order to cover his blemish, he does not own up to his mistakes and blame others or making other workers flaws look terrible just because he does not want to ruin his credibility, he overloads his victim with the works that he is incapable of doing and get the credit for it.  According to Oliver (2013), being called in front of the public to own up to their behaviour is the bully’s biggest fear as hiding inadequacy is the intention of bullying. Therefore, the factors that lead to bully are mainly because the bully is jealous and want s to hide his inadequacy in doing his work. Hence, the step that can be taken in order to overcome workplace bullying is the victim should stand up for himself. A victim of bully should have enough courage to go and confront the bully. Confronting the bully may seem like the hardest thing to do but everyone is aware that a bully is only brave when he knows that nobody will rise against him. A victim should not be a pushover and let the bully feels like he is in a comfort zone. In fact, the victim should let the bully knows what he has been keeping inside his heart by telling the bully how the bully’s behaviour impacted his work and he wants the bully to stop. According to McCoy (n. d.), the bully should be confronted, being explained the effects of his bullying has on the victim and being ask to stop. Through confrontation, it remarks the strong characteristics and firm decisions of the victim. So, the bully will know that he can no longer underestimate his victim. The next logical step that can be taken by the victim is by bringing this case to the top management. If confrontation does not seem to solve the problem, then it is time to get help from the top management to deal with the bully. The victim can start by documenting things like dates, time, and details of the incident and take note if another employee witnessed the incident before lodging a report to HR department because eye witnessed will make the evidence stronger. According to Rush (n. d.), incidents that make the victim feels agitate should be documented by creating a log of incidents that included day and time, nature of incidents and any person involved and any witnessed to what has occurred. The victim of bully should not just keep quiet and hopes for the bully perpetrator to stop because he will not stop. Not until a proper action is taken on him. â€Å"The victim of bully should voice out and get evidence to show that he or she is being bullied. Bullying issue should be reported to the company’s human resources management to be solved† (Halim, 2013 as cited in Tan, 2013). Thus, the victim should be brave to confront the bully and bring this case to the top management in order to avoid  himself from being bullied. Another solution to the problem is the actions taken by the top management. It has become the employers responsibility to ensure the safety of the workers at the workplace. Employer should monitor things that occur around the workplace especially regarding or the employees’ behaviour. By doing so, employer will be able to identify which of the employees that always cause problems at the workplace. If the rumours of bully start to circulate the workplace, employer should already starts an investigation to find the causes and the culprit. Employer must react quickly to resolve this bully issue if it is proven to be true. A competent employer does not just wait for the complaints files to arrive at his desk because he acknowledges that this bully thing can adversely affect the company’s name and it is not good for business. â€Å"Bullying in the workplace† (n. d.) states that safety of both mentally and physically of the workers must be ensured by the employer and employer must react sensibly in relation to such matter. Apart from that, the top management should make sure all the employees follow the rules of the workplace. Rules are created to be obeyed and without rules, people are nothing but savages. Hence, to make everyone at the workplace abide to the rules, it is important to strengthen the law of the workplace. In order to strengthen the law, the top management can conduct a meeting with all the employees and emphasize on the rules and regulations of the workplace. So, the employees will be clearer on the do’s and don’ts at the workplace. It is also important to let the employees know their rights especially for the bully victim. So, the employees will know how they are protected at work and where to get help when problems arise. Halim (2013, as cited in Tan, 2013) states that induction programme should be conducted to introduce the company’s rules and regulations, working culture, benefits and right for the workers. Besides that, the top management should also have a record on the disciplines performance of each of the employees and any employees performance who is not up to par will be having a disciplinary action taken on them. According to Heatherfield (n. d.), to protect the company’s and employees’ interest, written disciplinary action must be taken after counselling and coaching from manager give no improvement in returns. This is simply to bring awareness to the employee about the mistake he has  committed so that he will not repeat the same mistake again. Therefore, the employer need to take care of the safety of the employees and ensuring them to follow the rules to resolve bullies. In conclusion, negative traits of the bully himself and hiding incompetency in doing work are the two main reasons of why bullying occurs at workplace. Besides that, confronting the bully and bringing the bully case to the top management are the steps that can be taken by the person who is being bullied while top management should guarantee the safety of their employees at the workplace as well as ensuring all the employees to follow the rules of the workplace. Bully is not something that can be left without any proper action being taken to prevent it because it does not only create discomfort and embarrassment but it can also harm the health of the victim. Hence, for the convenience of the employees and employer, workplace bullying must be curbed before it becomes worse and affects the development of the organization. The basic essence of working is tolerance as well as understanding among the colleagues and the employer. If both parties cooperates, then this bully issue will defini tely be resolved. REFERENCES Bullying in the workplace. (n. d.). Retrieved July 19, 2014, from ­_Work/ Kane, S. (n. d.). Who is workplace bullys target. Retrieved July 20, 2014, from Target.htm King, M. (n. d.). Why do people bully me in the workplace?. Retrieved July 20, 2014, from McCoy, W. (n. d.). Termination for bullying in the workplace. Retrieved July 21, 2014, from Olivier, S. (2013). Bullying in the workplace. Retrieved July 21, 2014, from Rush, M. (n. d.). How to protect yourself from a workplace bully. Retrieved July 21, 2014, from Tan, K. (2013, October 22). Bullying in the workplace. The Star Online. Retrieved July 2, 2014, from

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Tell Tale Heart and the Lotter Essay Example for Free

Tell Tale Heart and the Lotter Essay American writer Henry James believed characters are only as interesting as their responses to particular situations. The statement he made can be supported by many pieces of literature that we have encountered. The way a character reacts to the situation they are placed in can tell a lot about their true character. Two characters were placed in different situations in â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart† written Edgar Allan Poe and The Lottery written by Shirley Jackson reactions will be discussed in this essay. In â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart† the tenant thought he would get away with the murder he had, but committed cracked under the pressure. Initially when the police offers entered the home he was he was able to keep his composure, but he slowly started to break. My head ached, and I fancied a ringing in my ears: but still they sat and still chatted. The ringing became more distinct:—it continued and became more distinct: I talked more freely to get rid of the feeling: but it continued and gained definitiveness—until, at length, I found that the noise was not within my ears. (Poe 390) At this point the man started to hear things in his mind. He was imagining the beating of the old man’s heart. Prior to his delusion the reader probably believed he would get away with the murder. Finally the man can no longer take the sound of the old man’s heart beating beneath the floor boards. â€Å"Villains!† I shrieked, â€Å"dissemble no more! I admit the deed!—tear up the planks!—here, here!—it is the beating of his hideous heart!† (Poe 391) I believe he told the officers about the old man’s body because his conscience got to him. If he was like most cold, blooded killers his conscience would not have told him he had done something wrong. In â€Å"The Lottery† when the Hutchinson family initially draws the piece of paper from the old black box, Tessie continually pleads to do the redo the drawing of the names. She says, You didnt give him time enough to take any paper he wanted. I saw you. It wasnt fair!(Jackson 267). Even though the drawing of her family’s name was done completely fair she tries to come up with some excuse. Even though her whole family, including her children, initially had the potential to be stoned she was the only one who wanted a redrawing done. When Tessie’s realized she had the paper she did not even try to say goodbye to her family. Most people, even criminals today, would rather spend their last moments saying goodbye to their loved ones. Tessie on the other hand continually said, It isnt fair, it isnt right(Jackson 269). With her continually saying this isn’t fair or right this shows she does not believe in the system her town used. When she first got to the lottery she made a joke about leaving the dishes, as if she was okay with what was about to take place. When her family’s name was drawn her true feeling were shown. She obviously did not agree with having a human sacrifice in order to better her town’s chances of having a good harvest. Both the man from and Tessie were placed in some an extremely tense situation, and both reacted in a similar manner. The man cracked under the pressure of killing the old man and Tessie Hutchinson lost her composure when she found out she was the one who would be stoned. Henry James quote of â€Å"characters are only as interesting as their responses to particular situations† was confirmed from the above reading because both of the characters show a different, more interesting, side of themselves when they faced with a predicament.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Shakespeare And Duffy Explore Love English Literature Essay

Shakespeare And Duffy Explore Love English Literature Essay Anne Hathaway is a love poem written by Carol Ann Duffy using the voice of Shakespeares wife, Anne Hathaway. The poem explores the loving relationship between Shakespeare and his wife on a physical as well as an emotional level. The poem uses the imagination to celebrate the power of Shakespeares work and creativity which lasts even after his death. Shakespeares sonnet 130 could arguably present the opposite. One of Shakespeares many love sonnets was written to his lover expressing his feelings to her. He mocks the way other poets compare women unrealistically to clichà ©d, beautiful things but though this might appear outrageous, his intention is to express a deep love. His approach is to use humour to make a serious point about love. Both poets use first person to bring a very personal, direct character to the poems. Duffys choice of the Shakespearean sonnet structure seems appropriate for the topic of love between Anne Hathaway and Shakespeare himself. Shakespeare, however, chooses the conventional sonnet form to make an attack on conventional expressions of love. Shakespeare also chooses the conventional sonnet form as it makes his point stronger about conventional love poetry. Shakespeare uses the first twelve lines of the sonnet form to describe how unappealing he finds his lover but his tone shifts in the final two lines as he reveals his true affection and that even with her flaws, he still appreciates his lover. This is different from Duffy because she reflects a romantic approach from the start of the sonnet and her characters passion for her husband is clear from the start. This is a contrast to Shakespeares apparent negative approach to love at the beginning of his poem. Duffys language choice is imperative in order to explore the topic of love. Duffy uses Iambic pentameter throughout the poem creating a regular rhythm and heavy stresses on important words. This, together with long sentences reflects the joyful and spontaneous process that Anne Hathaway feels during love making and it is as if she is letting all her emotions pour out in a smooth and uninterrupted manner. One example of the effects achieved by iambic pentameter is when heavy emphasis is placed on the word dive in line three. This is because dive could be seen as quite an erotic word and the image of someone diving is a smooth and beautiful and perhaps graceful one. This is used in a metaphorical way to emphasize going deeper into the fantasy of Anne Hathaways and Shakespeares love. Sentences in Shakespeares poem run over two or four lines and some contain contrasts such as black and white. Each statement supports the previous one and this makes a clear message about Shakespeares woman being incomparable to such beauties like the sun and roses. Shakespeare uses alternative line rhyming in his poem, unlike Duffy, and creates a contrast between positive and negative images by his choice of rhyming words. Sun and dun are two words with opposite meanings which suggest different things and this highlights the contrast between false imagery which conventional love poets compare women to. Shakespeares sonnet also employs iambic pentameter like Duffy, to put heavy emphasis on words such as nothing in the phrase nothing like the sun, which is a negative and definite word which isnt usually associated with love. Shakespeare does this to strengthen his argument against these love poets who write sonnets containing this commonly used simile in an insincere way. Both poems create a striking opening creating different impressions about love. Duffy chooses to start the poem with The bed we loved in which places the poem straight away in the bedroom and reflects that the lovemaking was a mutual and shared experience. The first line of Duffys poem contains the metaphor spinning world which creates a remarkable opening just as Shakespeare does when he draws attention to his idea by comparing his lovers eyes as nothing like the sun. This is a shocking surprise of negativity in a love poem and is the opposite to how Duffy chooses to start her poem as she creates an optimistic impression. Duffy refers to Shakespeare as My lover which emphasises the importance of their physical relationship and how Anne feels towards her husband. Similarly Shakespeare refers to his lover as My mistress which creates an emphatic, definite start and tells us that he sees the lady as his. Both Duffy and Shakespeare use a variety of different metaphors throughout their poems but each achieve a different effect on the subject of love. Most of the metaphors Duffy uses are compared to images from a fantasy land such as spinning world and shooting stars, both of which describe that Shakespeares lovemaking takes them to a place of fantasy as they fall uncontrollably in love with each other through this process. The idea of a shooting star is something which is unique, beautiful and rare and when Duffy compares this to their lovemaking, it reflects the appreciation of it from Anne Hathaways point of view as their love-making takes her to the heavens. Shakespeare, on the other hand, uses metaphors which are not usually associated with love and are arguably the opposite of Duffys and could be seen as making a mockery out of conventional poets. Coral is far more red than her lips red reflects that the idea of coral lips as being unnatural and Shakespeare is not going to lie lik e other poets do and compare his lovers features to such unlikely things. Black wires grow on her head is another metaphor used by Shakespeare which creates ugly impressions of the woman. Shakespeare uses metaphors to make his ideas sound more negative in order to express his love in a suspicious way whereas Duffy uses metaphors to create romantic images such as, echo is when something responds to its original sound and in this case, Anne is responding to Shakespeare. This creates the idea that both of them have connected as one and they are now close. It is also a linguistic metaphor and creates a strong link of their love. Duffy compares Shakespeares writing of poetry to their physical love-making to emphasise their love. Apart from the use of linguistic terms such as assonance and rhyme, Shakespeares occupation is present within the poem when Anne says she dreamed hed written me, the bed a page beneath his writers hands. This line suggests that Anne is being transported to another world, almost as if it was a dream and Shakespeares love-making is as creative as his writing. Romance and drama also link back to Shakespeares plays and suggests how he entices her with excitement, just how Shakespeares plays excited various audiences to carry on watching. However, the language in Sonnet 130 could be seen as unusual for someone like Shakespeare to use. The language is very conversational whereas Duffys language is more descriptive about direct love. I love to hear her speak is Shakespeares definite, final opinion of his lover. Shakespeare makes it clear that he adores his lovers voice and what she has to s ay but he gets his message across in a relaxed, informal way as opposed to Duffys language which is more descriptive about direct love. Shakespeares different approach to writing about love could be seen as more personal and focuses on his lover being a real woman. Duffy also appeals to our senses throughout her poem to enhance the readers imagination about their love. She lists by touch, by scent, by taste to reflect how powerful their love making. The list of three also makes it seem perfect and completed almost like beginning, middle, and end. The literal English meaning of the word assonance is when vowel sounds are repeated and Duffy uses it as a metaphor to create a harmonic sound. Where Duffy uses the senses to describe how passionate her love is, Shakespeare uses the senses to exaggerate the flaws in his lover. Reeks is the verb Shakespeare chose to describe his lovers breath. The term means breathed out but also has a connotation of something which is foul smelling and this appeals to our senses in the wrong way. Shakespeare chooses this adjective as it is amusing for people to use an outrageous word to gain a reaction. The poet then goes on to say how music hath a far more pleasing sound and at first glance, we could misinterpret this as another insult to his lover but he implies that he enjoys listening to what she has to say. Duffy puts emphasis on her ideas about love through her use of alliteration and repetition. My is repeated several times throughout the poem to certify that Anne Hathaway thinks Shakespeare is hers regardless of his affairs. However in Shakespeares sonnet my is only said once in regard to his possession over his woman but it is said right at the start of the poem to make a definite statement about his love. This again shows how love seems to involve a sense of ownership. The phrase Living laughing love is used to describe Anne Hathaways view of Shakespeare and draws attention to the fact that Shakespeare is very much alive in her memories. The alliteration creates echoes of joyful sounds and keeps Shakespeare prominent in our imagination. It also reflects joyful experiences when Shakespeare was alive. The phrase Goddess go is an example of alliteration used in Shakespeares sonnet. This creates a comic contrast as the word go seems much more ordinary than goddess which is usually asso ciated with women by love poets. Here, Shakespeare mocks this unrealistic link by using a humorous tone and finds it astonishing how poets try to turn women into celestial beings such as the goddess. The choice of verbs which Duffy and Shakespeare choose, reflect something meaningful about the love they share. In Duffys poem, the the other bed, the best makes the bed left in Shakespeares will to hi wife Anne Hathaway seem superior to the best bed. The verb used to describe the events going on in the best bed is dribbling which creates a completely different impression to Shooting which is the verb used to describe the image in the second best bed. Shooting is an energetic action and is a beautiful movement whereas the image of dribbling is something which leaks out slowly and doesnt create excitement. This comparison suggests that Anne Hathaway and Shakespeares love making is what makes their bed more exhilarating than the other bed. In Shakespeares sonnet, he uses exaggerated words such as reeks, nothing and in contrast uses ordinary verbs such as go to explore the subject of love. Treads is the word Shakespeare chooses to describe the way in which his lover walks on the ground. This suggests that his lover is ordinary as she treads on the ground like everyone does, compared to the word glides which love poets would probably use to compare the way their lover walks in an attempt to suggest they are angelic. Shakespeare focuses on using colours to explore his love for his mistress whereas Duffy tends to concentrate more on using romantic concepts which confirm Anne Hathaways love for her lover. Colours are significant as they are used in conventional love poems as they reflect emotion. Beauty is expressed through colour but Shakespeare seems to make a mockery of such an idea. The hypothetical statement If snow be white, why then her breasts are dun suggests that she is not pure as other poets would claim, as she is sexually experienced. The word dun in itself is very unromantic and common. The way in which both poets choose to conclude their poem reveals their final opinion about their lover. I hold him in the casket of my widows head is how Duffy ends her poem and it suggests that they are and always will be two lovers even after Shakespeares death. The term casket suggests something which holds precious memories and that is how Anne keeps her memory of her husband alive in her head. The rhyming words of bed and head round the poem off and gives a sense of completion. The strong sense of romance created in the last two lines of Duffys poem is expected as Anne has been praising her lover throughout the previous twelve lines. In Shakespeares poem, however, the sudden statement at the end and his dramatic declaration of love is surprising. And yet, by heaven, I think my love as rare is completely unexpected as the irony and mockery from the previous lines has been cancelled by this one strong statement. The expression by heaven suggests a outburst of love and feeling whi ch seems spontaneous and genuine. The rhyming words rare and compare gives a feeling that the poet has reached his conclusion about how he feels. Duffys poem ends with that next best bed which almost makes a mockery of the thought that their bed isnt the best and Anne makes it clear that it really isnt the second best and that in fact what went on sexually and romantically between husband and wife makes it the best bed. Shakespeare uses the word belied in his sonnet to describe how conventional love poets compare their women falsely. False compare suggests that others praise womens beauty in fake terms but the declaration of Shakespeares love is sincere. Duffy and Shakespeare both explore the subject of love but in different ways. Duffys poem reflects that although time brings things to an end, its the memories and love between people which keep things alive and Annes love towards her husband is kept prominent throughout the poem by the romantic terms used. Shakespeares poem focuses more on his womans real attributes rather than falsely comparing her to impossible qualities and therefore he makes a mockery of poets who do. Shakespeares love proves to be more real and personal as he loves his woman despite all of her flaws, Duffy presents a love which is, perhaps, more rare and magical as Shakespeares talents are highly praised. .Both poems come to the definite conclusion that a special love is possible although they choose a very difficult approach to explore this subject. Karishma Kapoor 10H

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Importance of the Sonnet in William Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet

Although Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy of two young lovers caught in the whirlpool of their own youthful passion, it is also a tragedy of two young people at the mercy of a feud not of their making and of fateful events over which they have no control. Regardless of our individual response to this play, we have a common response of deep sadness over the senseless deaths of the two young lovers. Regardless of the cause of the tragic events, we are on their side. Â   There are several ways to think about Romeo and Juliet, but recent discussions of the play look at the form and language of love that Shakespeare uses and how his use of one particular form, the sonnet, enhances our sense of the play. By directing our attention to the sonnet qualities in Romeo and Juliet, we are able to discern a growing maturity in these two characters, one which, especially in the case of Juliet, belies their untried youth. This article will examine how the sonnet conventions found in Romeo and Juliet reflect the play's stance on young love as well as how Juliet's resistance to the sonnet reveals a character that allows her to endure the desertion of virtually everyone around her. Â   The sonnet is a fourteen-line love poem. Perfected by the Italian Petrarch in the fifteenth century, the form followed certain conventions. The subject matter was that of unrequited love. The sonneteer would write a cycle of sonnets dedicated to a woman, his "sonnet lady," whom he knew only from afar, who was unavailable, whose very presence changed one's earthly existence into heaven. The fourteen-line sequence was often marked by a reversal, a "turn" between the first eight and the last six lines. Frequently, the turn would move from the ph... ...m to abandon Juliet in the tomb of her dead ancestors with the body of Romeo. Throughout the chaos that occurs when the tragedy in the tomb is discovered by the outside world, Juliet remains firm and resolute, a stark contrast to the confusion that even spills into the streets of Verona: "For I will not away" (5.3.160). Preferring death to the hostile world around her, she stabs herself with Romeo's dagger. Â   Although we see the chastened adults receive their greatest punishment, the deaths of their children, it seems far too great a price to pay for the settling of a feud. Our hearts remain with Romeo and Juliet, who found passion in love rather than in hatred and who matured far beyond their adult role models. Â   "This thou perceiv'st, which makes thy love more strong To love that well, which thou must leave ere long." -- Sonnet 73 Â   Â  

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Mono Lake :: Biology Science Papers

Mono Lake 1. Mono Lake Mono Lake is a unique body of water lying in the Eastern Sierra Nevadas. For decades its water sources were tapped by the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (DWP) to use for farming because the lake's high elevation would allow them to easily transport the water to the city and because the water was so saline, people believed it was worthless. The normal traits by which people judge lakes were lacking in Mono: fish could not survive in the salty water, the water was harsh to swim in because of the chemicals and salinity, the scenery was unlike other lakes because there were no trees. Mono Lake appeared to be an isolated lake in the middle of the desert, which DWP could use as they wished. What they hadn't known at the time was the rich history of the lake and the important place it held in the biological world. The geological history of the Western United States has shaped Mono and given it the properties it has, while those properties have given it a specific role in the migration of birds. Plate Tectonics The geological processes that formed and continue to influence Mono Lake began approximately 215 million years ago when the Farallon sea floor plate began subducting, or pushing, under the North American plate. The North American plate was pushed over the sea floor plate by the force of the African and South American plates rifting apart. The friction from the North American plate rubbing against the Farallon plate melted some of the continental rocks, which then erupted in a long volcano chain, the Sierran Arc, stretching from Alaska to Mexico inland from the coast. Over time, the unerupted magma chambers from the Sierran Arc cooled into the granitic batholith that is the Sierra Nevadas (Tierney, 26-27). 2. Diagram of Subduction Zone About 20 million years ago the last part of the Farallon sea floor plate subducted under the North American plate. This put the North American plate and the Pacific plate into contact, but unlike the Farallon sea floor plate, the Pacific plate sheared against the side of the North American plate. Because there was no plate subducting, the North American plate was in direct contact with the mantle (Tierney, 29). Heat from the mantle made the continental crust more ductile, which allowed the crust to extend and thin.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Food Hygiene Essay

The term â€Å"street foods† describes a wide range of ready-to-eat foods and beverages sold and some times prepared in public places, notably at streets. Like fast foods, the final preparation of street foods occurs when the customer orders the meal which can be consumed where it is purchased or taken away. Street foods and fast foods are low in cost when compared with restaurant meals and offer an attractive alternative to home-cooked food. In spite of these similarities, street food and fast food enterprises differ in variety, environment, marketing techniques and ownership. Foods that are served to the customers should be â€Å"clean† and â€Å"safe†, absence of poisonous substances or contaminants and free from spoilage. If foods are not clean and safe health hazards like headache, stomach pain, vomiting, giddiness and anemia may also occur. Due to the modernization many school children and adults skip their breakfast and they prefer to eat street foods or fast foods or convenient foods. There is mistaken assumption that food contamination is inevitable in street foods. Yet millions of people depend on this source of nutrition. Vendors knew that consumers watch the way food is prepared and notice whether the work area and vendor’s hands and cloths are clean or tidy. The vendors have to satisfy the customers with improved practices in the preparation of foods learned through training in nutrition and hygiene. Since, all categories of people from different socio-economic sectors purchased the street foods; the street foods should not only be cheap but also hygienic and rich in nutrition. The investigators with their nutrition knowledge had an urge to study the nutrition knowledge of the vendors, whether the foods prepared are nutritional sound or not? Are they preparing and serving food hygienically? Etc. Disease could be easily spread through food, water and the place of sales, how it is packed etc. and these questions made the investigators to take up this study. Hence, the investigators were interested to know the answers for the above said questions. Hence, studying microbial quality, nutritional knowledge and food hygienic practices among street food vendors importance at this hour and this paper aims to analyze this. To study the nutritional knowledge and food hygienic practices prevailing among the street food vendors. 200 vendors in Dindigul district, Tamil Nadu, India were selected by using purposive random sampling techniques. The investigators met the vendors and collected the details. Microbial analysis, food adulteration test were done for food samples. Microbial load for the major street foods like bhajji, vada, samosa varieties, roasted corn etc., were tested. Raw materials used for the street foods were collected such as dhal, salt, sugar, oil, pepper, turmeric and chilly powder and there were analyzed for food adulteration. The street food vendors were poor in hygienic practices in food preparation, serving, handling and storing. They were also poor in their nutritional knowledge. It can be concluded that as there is an urgent need for disseminating the knowledge about food safety and disease prevention, nutrition education is the need of the hour. Measures are suggested to improve the dwindling standards of the street food units. This study implies the need of the following measures to be adopted for hygienic food preparation by the street vendors, they are, license must be obtained by the street food vendors and the foods should be frequently inspected by the agencies, nutritionists should take the in-charge of disseminating awareness on hygienic practices, nutrition and health so that it will help in the preparation of nutritious foods. Colleges and other educational institutions also should take part in creating awareness about the street foods, government can encourage the vendors on improving their business by availing loan facilities and the sources of information must be increased to improve the nutrition and hygienic knowledge of the street food vendors. If this will be able to happen I believe that there will be less people having different kinds of sicknesses in the world and less hardships especially to the less fortunate that can’t afford to buy expensive food and medicines for those sicknesses. People need to be educated with the proper food safety hygiene and sanitation to not suffer these illnesses. I have learned that people need to gain more knowledge about Food safety hygiene and sanitation. If all have this knowledge there would be a better environment for everyone. Health is the most important thing in a person’s life, that’s why we should pay more attention in food hygiene. We should teach those around us the proper food hygiene especially vendors and or those people who sell street foods around the corner. In doing this, every person would have a cleaner environment to live in and also will have a healthier life, not only for this generation but also for the health of the future generation. We should make cleanliness a part and habit in our daily lives. Street foods should not just be only clean, but should also have nutrition. There would be no sense in eating clean food that doesn’t contain any nutrients in it. Having clean and nutritious food around us would help our bodies work in a better manner and would give us the right and enough energy for the whole day in our daily activities. We should always think before eat anything from the corner. Eating clean and nutritious food means having a clean and healthier lifestyle, and I believe that is the key to having a good body inside and out and for us to have a longer life.

Monday, September 16, 2019

From a Chinese Perspective

Contemporary Art in China unravels as a budding butterfly out of its cocoon. Years of militant ruling and the imposition of state-centered concepts made contemporary art mundane and stagnant. At the onset of globalization, modern artists from China found more room to wiggle as they begin to showcase their talents in a more matured Chinese setting. Unable to resist the pressures of globalization, Chinese modern art has slowly opened up to the challenge set by global competitors as it hones its craft into the local and international scene with a distinctive Chinese mark. This new found freedom has resulted in emboldening Chinese artists to meld different mediums and points of view into their artwork, creating a time capsule that pays homage to the past and elucidates the future. Most of the world renowned Chinese artists such as Zhang Xiaogang, Zhang Huan, Ai Weiwei and Liu Xiaodong have made themselves visible because of their unique perspectives about Chinese life and I do not think that their creative impact would have been grand if it did not involve a disturbing quality, especially a distorted one. The function of these artists was not merely to beautify the tedious surroundings of modern China but to diversify its angle on Chinese culture, unfettered from the shackles of its restrictive past. In this respect, I believe that the responsibility of the contemporary artist lies in creating ripples within their immediate environment. I also deem that contemporary artists also have the opportunity to make use of modern tools in order to produce an artwork that is relevant in today’s society of technological advancement and multiculturalism. I have had the prospect of visiting the Museum of Contemporary Art in Shanghai recently wherein the current theme was â€Å"Couples in Contemporary Art†. It featured the artworks of 15 coupled artists in celebration of their varied outlook on gender and power relations between sexes. The artworks exhibited the use of different materials and mediums such as acrylic on canvas, watercolor on marble, bronze and stainless steel sculptures, ceramic and mineral color on silk among other things. I was specifically entranced by the works of the couple Chen Xioadan and Yang Jianping as they used bones and Silica gel for their artworks. It was the first time I had ever seen an exhibition wherein couples were involved so it was very interesting to see the polarities in their viewpoints. Another art showcase that I am very fond of is the selected paintings of Zhang Xiaogang in Charles Saatchi’s gallery. Although I have not been to London, I have seen some of his paintings online and in magazines and I believe his artworks depict our cultural past in its barest form. His paintings merge Asian and European techniques through his use of surrealism and portrait like images of the Chinese family. These artworks incorporate the aesthetics of traditional Chinese charcoal drawings, which give off hues of grey, black and white. A likeness to old photo studio shots, it illustrates the continuous link of the past to the present. The paintings demonstrate a timeless appeal that places emphasis on genealogical roots as each character is a mirror image of another, distinguished only by certain features or marks. The occasional interruption of such marks and colors indicate a focal viewpoint that Zhang had intended for the observer to ponder. The dream-like distortions of Zhang’s paintings signify a complex psychological dimension of Chinese culture in the past, as can be observed in the way the body parts were portrayed such as characters with big heads and eyes and small arms. These suggest narrative readings about personality and a claustrophobic sense of self as images distort the cultured past. Learning about Zhang’s artworks being patronized by people all over the world made me realize how China has matured in order to allow artists like Zhang to represent the country in the world of art. If it were not for globalization, many creative talents from China would still be bottled up in a trend of conformity. Outside influences has greatly affected the crafting of contemporary art in China, which has placed Chinese artists at par with their foreign counterparts. This is why I believe that being exposed to an environment where diversity of culture is encouraged and established among daily interactions could bolster the creative identity of an artist. Constructing art and interpreting its parameters establishes a concrete notion of the abstract realm. As an artist seeking approval from his or her peers, I regard that such activities that expand one’s knowledge would also be culturally beneficial since I would be able to acculturate myself to the modern ways of western thinking and at the same time, impart my Chinese heritage to the fellow artists that I come into contact with. I trust that the network of people that will cross my path would also be able to contribute in strengthening cordial relations between the Chinese and the Americans. I believe that change is important for the growth of an individual artist as that is how creative identity is isolated and constructed. It would be interesting to see and learn from the different viewpoints and techniques of other artists, as well as the opportunity to handle challenges found in a multicultural setting. Such experiences will surely create an impression on my worldview as a Chinese and as a budding artist.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Integration theory Essay

In introducing the revisionist phase of integration theory, Haas (1971: 26–30) explicitly withdrew his earlier exclusion of public opinion. This is particularly evident in his new ‘master concept’ of authority legitimacy transfer or sharing: ‘a formulation I would myself prefer to the stress put on elite loyalties in my own earlier formulations’. Indicators of this concept are observable in activity ‘in specific functional and organizational sectors and. . . in elite and mass perceptions’ (emphasis added). The acceptance of public opinion in the political arena is very transparent in the linkage of variables that quantify the percentage of interaction within the context of the masses and the elites’ political perception. Haas advocates focusing on the notion of social learning as a major link, speculating on the various elements that might be involved; for example, increased contact and familiarity, growing complexity in the pattern of inter-group loyalties and social roles, education and informal socialization practices and progressively rewarding experiences derived from the activities of common markets. On the other hand, Schmitter (1971: 233) is quite explicit about his revisionist intentions, offering ‘a revised formalization of the neo-functionalist or structuralist theory of the political consequences of regional integration with pretensions to general comparative relevance. ’ the significant factor in this theory lies on the connection of the differing variables and hypothesis in accordance to the attitudes and perceptions of the populace, which represents numerous political groups and parties. It all depends, therefore, on whether one takes a broad or narrow definition of these groups. Schmitter does not explicitly address this question but a broad definition is clearly implied by his operationalization of the variables in question. Thus the variable â€Å"elite value complementarity† is operationalized by reference to ‘panel type survey data on the nature and intensity of commitment to similar goals within and across integrating units’. That the operationalization includes public opinion data is clear from the accompanying footnote which includes reference to Inglehart’s work on public opinion and European integration. Similarly, regional identity is operationalized by reference to ‘panel survey research on selected samples exposed to intensive regional socialization; inference from single surveys on the residual importance of regional contacts/level of information when controlled for other variables’, and Inglehart’s work is again cited (Schmitter 1971: 252). Thus, we can infer that neo-functionalism’s principles are geared towards the affirmation on the importance of public opinion. In the development of Nye’s revised neo-functionalist model, public opinion enters the scheme at two points. First, attitudinal integration—described as definitive appeal—figures in an expanded list of ‘process mechanisms’. In addition to determining whether or not a regional identity exists, Nye argues that it is necessary to assess the degree of salience and urgency attached to it and whether or not it is accompanied by a ‘myth of permanence and inevitability’ (1971: 73). The other side of this variable is the persistence of competing national identities. Secondly, public opinion enters as a variable in the domestic arena influencing the actions of national political leaders. Actors in the original neo-functionalist model—mainly the integrationist technocrats and interest group representatives—need to be supplemented by ‘electoral or support politicians’ whose primary function is to legitimize the actions involved in regional integration. This implies a very clear role for public opinion in the process of integration, which is reinforced by the inclusion of ‘the category of mass opinion, or more accurately of opinion leaders, who create broad or narrow limits for the legitimacy of integrationist programs’ (1971: 63). Media is one of the major catalysts in the proliferation and in the validation of public opinion. Because through this, a political group can draw out what platforms they should espouse so that the electorate will vote for them. In terms of the electorate, public opinion will serve as their contribution in landscaping a new political condition, as well as the status quo of the preexisting politics. Since public opinion formulates how politics should operate there is a great necessity to ensure that such opinions are clearly express in order for it to be addressed and to be recognized. And the most effective means to satisfy such necessity is to use the media. The obvious question which then arises is why the new emphasis did not make an immediate impact on the research agenda. The problem was that, almost as soon as this broadening occurred and before it could really take hold, the theory itself seemed to be bypassed by events and treated by its authors, either explicitly or implicitly, as obsolescent. As noted earlier, it was rescued from oblivion by the resurgence of European integration in the mid-1980s. References: Haas, E. B. (1971). The Study of Regional Integration: Reflections on the Joy and Anguish of Pre-theorizing’. In Regional Integration: Theory and Research: Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press. Key, V. O. (1961). Public Opinion and American Democracy: New York: Knopf.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Case 1-3 the Coca Cola Co

Case 1-3 Coca Cola Co Coca-Cola is an iconic symbol of Americana that has deep roots in our society and a presence throughout the globe. The brand has permeated into clothing, household items, electronics and more, with brand recognition and customer loyalty rivaled by none. Throughout its history until the late 1990s the Coca Cola Company, based in Atlanta, Georgia, has put all its eggs into the carbonated beverage basket. With scientific advances and an increasingly health conscious public, Coca Cola has been forced to modify their product line to include â€Å"healthier† products and recipes.Ingredients in Coke products such as High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS/corn sugar) and aspartame are now being sold as a healthy alternative to sugar, when they are as unhealthy as sugar if not worse. Although promoted as healthier, independent health and nutrition experts, through peer reviewed research, have scientifically proven otherwise. The Coca Cola Company will need to continue to sacrifice short-term high profit margins for long term growth by re-examining their ingredients as well as further diversifying their product line to adapt to a more sophisticated and informed health conscious consumer.The Coca Cola Company was incorporated in 1892 by Asa Candler after purchasing the brand and formula from inventor, John Stith Pemberton, in 1889 (â€Å"The Coca-Cola Company†, 2012). Throughout its history the company has focused primarily on carbonated beverages with its flagship product, Coca Cola, developed to become one of the world’s most powerful brands (Abramovitch, 2011). In addition to Coke, the majority of revenues are generated from Diet Coke, Sprite and Fanta. Although they consider themselves the â€Å"kings of carbonation† (Cravens, 2009, p. 4, para. 3), in 1960 they began to diversify by purchasing Minute Maid and Belmont Spring Water Co. in addition to merging with Duncan Foods (â€Å"The Coca Cola Company†, 2005). Cokeâ₠¬â„¢s primary business model is to manufacture syrup and sell it at high profit margins to a large network of independent bottlers who in turn sell it to retail outlets. Although this model has helped them to show higher profit margins, it also worked to disguise financial troubles from debt and independent bottler relations (Cravens, 2009).Based on deceitful earnings facilitated by shady, yet legal, financial finagling, plus extraordinary income from buying and selling bottlers, Coke was able to exploit the exaggerated success of the business as exhibited both internally by a dysfunctional culture cultivated by a lingering false sense of success stemming from their glory years, and externally as a 3,500% increase of stock (Cravens, 2009) which in-turn stayed in decline between 1998 through 2007 (Coca Cola Historical Stock Prices, 2012).The profit margins attained during the glory years were predictably unsustainable; however the decline was not based only upon questionable business activities, but also changing consumer attitudes. Although consumer awareness between the diet-disease relationships really began to take hold in the 1980s with efforts by the American Heart Association (Teisl, 1999), due to the advent of the internet, by the mid-to-late 1990s consumers began to awaken to the health issues related to consumption of excessive sugar in the form of HFCS, and the dangers of aspartame (Fox, 2012).This has resulted in consumers moving away from â€Å"sugary, fizzy drinks in favor of drinks with a healthier image like water, teas and other noncarbonated beverages† (Soft Drink, 2010, para. 7) and carbonated beverage sales declining for the past six years (Fuhrman, 2011). Although the carbonated beverage industry is in decline the industry would rather divert your attention by telling you â€Å"the big news is not that the soft drinks category's sales are down†¦but that Diet Coke surpassed Pepsi for the No. 2 brand in the category† (Fuhrm an, 2011 para. 3).Digging further, the only reason Diet Coke took the number two spot is because its sales declined less the Pepsi’s did, and to add to that, this loss occurred in an overall loss of soda market share globally (Esterl, 2011). Both Coke and Diet Coke have shown decline sales. Why? The public is waking up to the dangers of HFCS and Aspartame, two key ingredients in regular and diet soft drinks. High Fructose Corn Syrup was invented in 1957 and was developed for mass production in Japan between 1965 to 1970 (â€Å"High Fructose Corn Syrup†: Production, n. d. ).HFCS is manufactured by extracting corn starch, processing further to produce corn syrup, then adding enzymes to convert glucose to fructose resulting in a mixture anywhere from 42% to 55% fructose (â€Å"High Fructose Corn Syrup†, n. d. ). The danger of corn syrup is due to increased quantity consumed versus ingestion through natural means by eating fruit or other foods containing fructose (M ercola, 2010). â€Å"Fructose is a major contributor to a) insulin resistance [diabetes]; b) elevated blood pressure; c) elevated triglycerides and elevated LDL [bad cholesterol]; d) epletion of vitamins and minerals; and e) cardiovascular disease, liver disease, cancer, arthritis and gout† (Mercola, 2010, para. 3). In addition to previously mentioned health issues a study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition further makes the connection of fructose to weight gain, and insulin resistance syndrome (Elliot, 2002). The body process different types of sugar in different ways. Glucose, a much healthier form of energy, is processed mostly on a cellular level throughout the body, whereas fructose is processed completely in the liver and converts almost immediately into fat (Mercola, 2010).Although the corn syrup industry claims that at most, HFCS contains 55% fructose, independent researchers upon testing actual cans of soft drinks found they contained â€Å"as m uch as 65% fructose (and only 35% glucose)† (Kaplan, 2010, para. 6). According to the American Diabetes Association, Americans do spend $116 billion on direct medical costs related to diabetes, and with diabetes increasing by 176% between 1980 through 2010 (Crude and†¦, 2011), with fructose playing a major factor in the onset of diabetes someone is bound to take notice.Although HFCS has proven to be dangerous to consume, aspartame is worse (Mercola, 2011). Aspartame was created in 1965 by James Schlatter of the G. D. Searle Company, and took over 15 years to gain a very shady approval by the FDA (Mercola, 2011). Many researchers and top doctors have weighed in on the issue saying â€Å"aspartame causes headache, memory loss, seizures, vision loss, coma and cancer †¦ worsens or mimics the symptoms of such diseases and conditions as fibromyalgia, MS, lupus, ADD, diabetes, Alzheimer's, chronic fatigue and depression. †(NWV, 2004, para. 4).Board Certified Neurosur geon, Russell Blaylock, MD wrote a book documenting the connection of aspartame to macular degeneration, diabetic blindness and glaucoma (NWV, 2004). Due to the brand’s value and customer loyalty the company has been able to rely on its core carbonated products, however as their dedicated customer base ages and dwindles they will find it harder to attract new younger consumers who are more aware of the health concerns of HFCS and aspartame. For coke and the soft drink industry to rebound they will have to diversify and get away from HFCS and aspartame.First they have to get past Coke’s â€Å"Notorious Board† (Cravens, 2009, p. 46). References Abramovitch, S. (May 9, 2011). Apple Overtakes Google as World’s Most Powerful Brand. Gawker (Online). Retrieved from http://gawker. com/5799830/apple-overtakes-google-as-worlds-most-powerful-brand Coca-Cola Company. (2012). Historical Stock Prices. Yahoo Finance (Online). Retieved from http://finance. yahoo. com/q/h p? s=KO&a=00&b=2&c=1962&d=01&e= 21&f=2012&g=m Cravens, D. W. & Piercy, N. F. (2009). Case 1-3 Coca Cola Co, (A). Strategic Marketing. (9th, ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin â€Å"Crude and Age-Adjusted Percentage of Civilian, Noninstitutionalized Population with Diagnosed Diabetes, United States, 1980–2010†. Department of Health and Human Services: Center For Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved from http://www. cdc. gov/diabetes/statistics/prev/national/figage. htm Elliott, S. S. , Keim, N. L. , Stern J. S. , Teff, K. and Havel, P. J. (November 2002). Fructose, weight gain, and the insulin resistance syndrome [Special Article]. The Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 76. 5, 911-922. Retrieved from http://www. ajcn. org/ content/76/5/911. full Esterl, M. (March 16, 2011).Diet Coke Wins Battle in Cola Wars. Wall Street Journal (Online). Retrieved February 20, 2012 from http://search. proquest. com. pegleg. park. edu/docview/857249434/13503185B037A9C16B2/20? accountid =28370 Fox, S. (2012). Using the internet for health information is not the exception. KevinMD. com. Retrieved February 20, 2012 from http://www. kevinmd. com/blog/2010/10/internet-health-information-exception. html Fuhrman, E. (April, 2011). 2011 Soft Drink Report. Beverage Industry. 102. 4, 22, 24, 26, 28 Kaplan, K. (October 26, 2010). High-fructose corn syrup in soda has much more fructose than advertised, study finds.The Los Angeles Times (Online). Retrieved February 19, 2012 from http://articles. latimes. com/2010/oct/26/news/la-heb-too-much-fructose-in-hfcs-soda-20101026 Mercola, J. (January 2, 2010). Sugar May Be Bad, But This Sweetener is Far More Deadly. Mercola. com. Retrieved February 19, 2012 from http://articles. mercola. com/sites/articles/archive/2010/01/02/highfructose-corn-syrup-alters-human-metabolism. aspx Mercola, J. (November 6, 2011). Aspartame is, by far, the most dangerous substance on the market that is added to foods. Mercola. com. Retrieved February 19, 20 12 from

Anti Violence Essay

Anti violence essay Seven years ago I did not think violence existed in America. The most violent act ever committed was the tragedy of the World Trade Center in 9/11/01. The Trade Centers had been the target for something so horrible, and I thought at the time, ‘This will change the world. † I was right about that fact: our airports are more secure, we have to have pass-ports anywhere you go now, you have more thorough bagage checks, and they’re more selective as to what’s in your purse before boarding a plane. I think the most secure place in America right now is our power plants. They have increased security at all our power plants, including the nuclear plants, and also there is air space around each plant so planes have to keep their distance from them. Homeland Security is a common word in our homes today because of 9/11. I wanted to know how. Wanted to know why. Wanted to know what our leaders reactions would be. The world trade center killed many people that my friends knew and loved; that can never be replaced. This act changed the way my friends lived, loved, and acted in school. This spine-chilling nightmare was committed because terrorists took over three planes that flew into the giant buildings. The causes of this violence is the hatred between countries, states, or nations. The hatred is then passed down to the youth generation, because we hear, and see the dislike between the grown-ups. Children learn from the wisdom and actions of what the elders do. Shooting, stabbing, verbal abuse, physical abuse, and gang fights are a few examples of youth violence. All of these exist in schools, neighborhoods, malls, the movies and even in your own home on the internet. Schools have tried to stop it but there is still a lot of verbal abuse anywhere in the school system you go. Youth violence can be stopped by reporting abuse, shooting, stabbings, and anything to do with gangs. It can also be solved by not being the one that does bulling or any of the things listed above. I think it is funny how teachers wonder about why no one reports violence in America. My say on the matter is the kids are scared it will only get worse if we tell a teacher or principal or any adult because they use our name and our grade to the bully or person that Bothers you.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Day Reporting Centers Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Day Reporting Centers - Research Paper Example Segregation of cells may prove to be useful for a while but the psychological and social impacts of the practice proved detrimental to many offenders who may not actually deserve such harsh treatments. Alternatives to imprisonment and rehabilitation process for inmates were an evolution of the penology system. This paper will discuss day reporting center as an alternative to imprisonment and as a rehabilitation program. It will determine the positive and negative aspects of the program through consideration of actual studies and recommend proposals for consideration. Section 1: The Day Reporting Center chosen for this essay is the Hampden County Day reporting Center. It supervises inmates who are within four months of release. These inmates live in their homes, they have work, and were involved in positive activities in the community (McCarthy, 2011). Day reporting centers hae become an alternative to jail sentencing with the integration of community service while serving the sentenc es of inmates. Intensive programming with cost-effective system and intensive supervision to ensure community safety are some of its features (Marciniak, 1999). Prior to the formal launching of the day reporting center in October 1986, Hampden already had a history of a pre-release center. The area used was the Sheriff’s House as initiated by county Sheriff Michael Ashe. The inmates who were part of the pre-release program work and join community service as well as participate in activities for Alcoholics Anonymous, work-out regimens at YMCA, and Narcotics Anonymous (McCarthy 2011). The history of the use of day reporting center dates back to early 1970s in the United Kingdom when there was a clamor for an option for older petty criminals (Larivee, 1990). In addition, probation officials also noted the need to inmates for continued family and social ties as well as secure or continue employment. The UK Parliament created the day treatment centers as requested by the British H ome Office in 1972. Prison overcrowding was also an immediate reason for the adoption of local probation agencies and open centers for group rehabilitation (Parent, 1990). In addition, the prison officers were also having problems addressing behaviour of offenders who have the least criminal cases (Mair, 1990). Day treatment centers were formalized with the passing f the Criminal Justice Act of 1982 so that there were already about 80 that existed by mid 1980s in England and Wales (Mair, 1990). Characteristics of day reporting centers, however, varied (Marciniak, 1999). There are various other reasons for the justification of the creation of day reporting centers such as cost-effectiveness, incapacity, retribution, and rehabilitation. It has been considered as different from other rehabilitation programs for its marked concentration on rehabilitation as the staff assess individual needs and offenses prior to consideration for day reporting enter participation (Marciniak, 1999). The launch of the Day Reporting Center was due to the worsening overcrowding. The staffs are those already experienced in the Sheriff’s House so that the program drew from actual experience. Key program features include the monitoring of behaviour, thus, the participants were required to report and call daily at the center and observed by the staff. They also follow a strict daily schedule such as being home when expected to there, and they are monitored through