Friday, May 8, 2020

How to Write a Secure College Essay

How to Write a Secure College EssayCollege essays are some of the most important work of writing. They are often crucial to a student's admission and can even make or break a student's grade. Writing a good essay is not something that should be taken lightly, and there are many things to be taken into consideration.The first thing to remember is that the essay should stand out. A college student needs to use a variety of different strategies in order to get their essay noticed. They must use what is known as 'spicing up' their essay. Here are some tips on how to spice up your essay:Using different sorts of words: 'Different sorts of words can play a big role in your essay. Try to avoid using long, complicated words, as they can sometimes be difficult to understand.' Author Monica Gallagher says, 'It's not easy to add unique language to your essay; if you find yourself rambling over words, try adding a personal touch to your text with a personal anecdote about your family or a meaning ful experience of your life.'Make your points personal: 'In an essay, you want to make your points relevant and give your reader something worth reading. Use short, direct sentences.' The College Guide Book advises, 'Use the paragraph format to make your point clear, concise, and specific.''Essay based on a story:' Doing a well researched piece can add authenticity to your essay, while avoiding a lot of unnecessary jargon. This is a great method for showing off your creativity.'Use the BOLD form:' This strategy allows you to put the most important information in the front of the essay. As a result, you can give the reader the most important points first, allowing you tonot fill up the rest of the page with details that don't matter.Make sure that you aren't too vague: 'Being vague doesn't help you get the point across. Give your readers enough information so that they understand your point. What you're trying to do is make your readers want to read your essay.'

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